―3 | Skateboards and Spray paints

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       "Hey, Asshole." I exclaimed at Josh. I know, I mentioned that he was my crush. Emphasis on the was. I guess after not seeing him for 6 months my feelings subsided.

"Oh, hey, Robin." He replied unsurely, discarding his spray paint away. I am so, so pissed, so he was the dude writing the 'I am here' signs. It's all over town and it bothers me.

"Why are you vandalizing in my property?" I asked incredulously. Giving him a cocked eyebrow.

"Psh, look around Robin. It's the apocalypse, there's no rules out here." He scoffed. Picking up his skateboard. I used to like his skateboard, and the three crowns, and how his hair is tousled when he skates back to his apartment with Sam― Now I sound like a stalker. Get a grip, Robin. You don't like him anymore.

I cleared my throat. Giving him a disapproving scowl. He shot back a smirk. "Still, this is my house. You can't just write this shitty phrase all over town!" I exclaimed at him, he seems unphased with the whole situation and gave me a bored look.

"I can see how you're not a people person." Josh sneered. But, I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I'm not a people person because I don't like people, atleast not anymore."

"What about you, Josh Wheeler. Why aren't you on any tribes?" I got closer and tried to intimidate him, it seemed like it works because he backed out of the close proximity. Probably embarrassed.

"Look, er― I have to go before sunset. I don't want ghoulies to chase me down at a time where I can't see them." He stuttered and backed away slowly, away from me and to the streets. He dropped his skateboard and rode it, heading north.

I shook my head and closed the door. Wow, Josh Wheeler was probably the only unusual thing that happened today. And I don't know if I hate or like this feeling in my stomach.

The next morning, I woke up to the sun's blazing heat on my face. I grunted and glared at my window. Mentally cursing myself for forgetting to draw the curtains.

"What time is it?" I mumbled to myself and took out my watch.

"It's 8 am and I look like shit." I groaned after eyeing myself on the mirror. Thankfully, water still runs. So I grabbed my purple towel and made my way to the bathroom. I made sure to turn on the heater since on early morning the weather is very chilly.

I put my hair down and strip naked. The shower was so calming it made me think, think about Josh. For the first time in a long time we finally had a proper conversation. Not civil, but proper. Discard the insults and all. Sam Dean wasn't there to take him away, and I thank the apocalypse for that.

Don't get me wrong, I still don't know if I like Josh or not. Maybe it's just the hormones or shit. And maybe I'm being selfish that I want Josh to like me and push Sam away. And Sam wins everything while I'm just owning up as her shadow.

And maybe I still like Josh Wheeler, maybe.

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