six ; now a learner

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Connor and Envy were on a mission. And even though Envy didn't want to admit it, Connor brought back the colour in her life. He made her laugh, but he still reminded her a lot of Klaus. She wondered how life treated Klaus after her death. If he had a wife, if he had children. She hoped he did but then again, she hoped he didn't. They were meant to be, they were meant to have children and live a long life.

"So?" Connor asked her as she shut the door behind her. "What did he say?"

"A lot. But I'm enrolled again, I have my own room again, I just need new robes and my own uniform." Envy said and watched as Connor's caramel eyes lit up. "But...I can't stay the Summer."

"Come with me then. You said it yourself, your mom died when you were seven and your father two years after that, and basically your entire family was slaughtered." Connor said and nudged Envy on the shoulder. "My parents would love you. I just know that."

"You're asking me, to go with you to your house for the Summer?" Envy snorted. "You've known me for three days, and I've been dead for ten years, alive for six days, nine if you're counting the days I've been unconscious. How can you trust me so blindly? You should be suspicious of me."

Connor smirked and brushed his hand against Envy's. "What can I say? I'm brutally in love with you."

"Oh put a cork in it Crane." Envy laughed. She grabbed his hand and marched forward. "Now you're going to help me find the lost and found. That will have to do until Dumbledore can arrange something for me."

"The lost and found? Why?" Connor asked and Envy could hear the confusion in his voice. She let go of his hand, and the warmth slowly faded to nothingness as she weaved her slender fingers through her hair.

"Well Mr Crane, I haven't any idea if you have noticed or not but I am an orphan who was recently brought back to life." Envy shrugged. "It's not like I can send my family a letter and ask them to buy me robes and shoes." She wiggled her toes. "Because they're dead. So now, I have to go to the lost and found, hope to find Ravenclaw robes and a uniform."

"All you have to do is ask Envy." Connor sighed. "You're right, I've only known you for three days, which have been pleasant but I still want to help you." He looked into her artic eyes and for the first time, noticed the swirls of dark blue in them. "Stop trying to be your own hero all the time and let me help you Envy. I want to help you."

Envy bit down on her bottom lip. Connor was right. She wanted to be her own hero all the time, she didn't need anyone. That was of course until she met Connor. She wanted his help but instead of saying okay, she said, "I don't want to be a burden on you Connor."

"You won't be a burden on me Envy, I promise. I really want to help." He smiled at her and Envy found herself smiling back at him. "I'll ask my parents okay? They won't mind, in fact they'll be over the moon to help."

And even though Envy wanted to say no, to tell Connor that she'll be fine with the lost and found stuff, her vocal chords disobeyed her and instead she said, "Okay."


Their first class was Potions class, and Envy did particularly good in the class because of the fact that she still somehow remembered every potion she had ever made. Next, they were off to Harry's class. They still were working on the Patronus charm, and Envy was helping Connor, as she already knew what her Patronus was.

"You have to mean it, show some emotion." Envy whispered to Connor, who smiled.

"Now that I've heard the voice of my angel, I'll show even more emotion." Envy laughed and shook her head. She bent down to fix his legs and Connor snorted. "Pants come off usually after three dates. Don't be hasty my lady."

"You're really full of yourself, aren't you?" She shook her head again. "Besides, your stance was not wrong but not right either. It irritated me, so I fixed it and your arm should...." She gently grabbed his arm and lowered it a bit. "Be there, it was a little high. Now all you have to do is wave your wand and say Expecto Patronum. Your Patronus should appear."

Connor gave it a try and just like Envy said, his Patronus appeared and she giggled at his facial expression. He looked amazed as his caramel eyes zeroed in on his Patronus. "I never thought it'd be a dog."

"It's beautiful." Envy nearly jumped at the sound of a new voice but relaxed when she noticed it was Luna. "You're free spirited, carefree--"

"You got that right." Envy mumbled and ignored the glare Connor sent her way.

"--and you're also very loyal." Luna finished and Connor crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Envy, who shook her head.

"Don't feed his ego Luna, it's big enough." And that's when Envy yelped as Connor suddenly tackled her to the ground.

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