sixteen ; the stroke of midnight and all it's curses

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The stroke of midnight has many curses, some are just absolutely awful and some are tolerable. But the stroke of midnight has many curses, to many to count. Hence why you should always fall asleep before the stroke of midnight my dear, you don't want to get cursed.

When Envy woke up, she found herself in the Hospital Wing and she immediately looked down at herself and sighed in relief when she noticed she was still alive.

"You're awake." A voice breathed out beside her and Envy looked around to find a pair of caramel eyes staring at her. "I was so worried." Connor admitted and Envy could see that he truly was worried. His usual kempt hair stood wild and his eyes had dark circles.

"How long was I out?" Envy asked as she stood up and stretched. She noticed her limbs were all stiff and they hurt.

"About four hours." Connor said and licked his dry, chapped lips before speaking. "When Sirius came carrying your unconscious body and him covered in blood, I thought the Belva curse got you again."

Envy could feel the tears that wanted to pour down her cheeks as they stuff her eyes. "So did I." She sighed. "Is Sirius okay?"

"He's alright, Madame Pomfrey is tending to his wounds but he's alright." Connor moved to reveal a stout, elderly woman hunched over a moody Sirius. They were a few beds away but Envy walked over to them nevertheless.

"Sirius, what happened?" Envy asked and Madame Pomfrey glared at her but Envy ignored it completely.

"McGonagall, I think she might be under the Imperius curse. After she shot you with the Cruciatos curse, you fell over and slipped into an unconscious state. We shortly began a duel after that, I barely got away." Although Sirius tried to make it seem as though he was okay, Envy could see through his facade. He was like a veil, a veil that showed all his emotions. "The other members of the Order are circling the school's perimeter to make sure she's not here or any other Deatheater."

"Splendid." Envy smiled and looked back to Connor, who was chugging down a glass of water. "Have you perhaps any idea where I could find the others?"

"Try the Great Hall." Sirius smiled and Madame Pomfrey glared at Envy once more before shoving her away, mumbling something about her wanting to do her job in peace and Envy being a distraction. Envy took this as her cue to leave and she walked back to Connor.

"Let's go find the others. Someone's had a very rough day." Envy gently smiled at him and weaved her fingers through his cold, slender fingers. They walked out the door to find the others.


"Bloody hell Envy! You gave us all a scare there! We nearly thought you were a goner!" Ron stated the minute Envy and Connor came into view. "Sirius tell you anything on who attacked you two?"

"Professor McGonagall." The room fell into a deadly silence and Hermione gasped. "But we believe she wasn't doing it off her own accord, we believe she was under the Imperius Curse."

"Professor McGonagall attacked you and Sirius?" Harry asked before his eyes went wide with shock, he then stared at Envy. She knew then he figured it out. "Professor McGonagall, the Time Turner, it's the last Horcrux isn't it?"

"Wait, the same Time Turner McGonagall gave me?" Hermione asked and Envy looked in her way before focusing her attention on Harry.

"Yes, to both your questions." Envy swallowed hard. "I wasn't supposed to tell you Harry, when the person who is supposed to tell you eventually tells you, act surprised or something. Please."

"You have my word." Harry nodded. "So that means...."

"We can't destroy it until whoever is supposed to tell you tells you!" Hermione shrieked. "This is bad! I've been carrying a Time Turner which actually is a Horcrux unbeknownst the entire time!"

"It's no wonder why you've been so mean to me lately." Ron mumbled and Hermione whipped around, she glared at him and his relaxed face was soon replaced by a frightened one. "I mean...this is bad."

"Who is supposed to tell Harry?" Hermione asked, marching up to Envy, who barely even flinched as she flared her nostrils at her.

"Calm down Hermione, being angry only fuels it more. Just take the Time Turner off and hand it over to me." Envy said and Hermione stared at her for awhile, her stare. Her unmoving, unblinking, unpleasant stare is what had bothered Envy the most. "And I'll hand it over to either Sirius or any other member of the Order."

Hermione then threw her hands up in frustration and pulled the Time Turner off her neck. She slightly winced in pain when the metallic chain rubbed painfully against her skin. "Don't think I've dropped this Envy. We deserve to know, we aren't animals."

It was the ticking, the bell bellowing. Envy knew that bellowing from anywhere, she could be underground but she would still recognize it. "The stroke of midnight and its many curses." Envy mumbled, looking down at the Time Turner. She then remembered something her mother once told her. "A friend will be enraged. That's the first curse."

I, Envy → Harry Potter | √Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt