one ; the summoning

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Like any other member of the Belva family, Envy had suffered a most gruesome fate. But she lingered around her old Hogwarts house and the children had given her the nickname Weeping Willow. Because all Envy could do now was cry. Her fate was one gruesome and eerie one. Some children however, found it most annoying. They didn't understand it. She was dead, why weep over something that happened nearly ten years ago?

Envy however, knew why she wept over her fate. When she was still alive, her father had forced her to take his last name. She knew all the Belva family members died, hence why she didn't want to take the surname. She wanted her mother's. Slora. The second most powerful family in the entire Wizarding World.

Her father, didn't like this idea and forced her to take his last name, he wanted her to carry on his legacy. Her mother never bore him a second child, at least that's what she was told. Envy somehow knew she wasn't the only one.

Where Envy sat, she could hear the soft thumping of footsteps and she knew the children were back. She could've hid herself, but her heart was too heavy and she slumped in the corner. To hope for no prying eyes was something Envy knew would be foolish. The Ravenclaw house was most curious.

She could hear them talking, talking about what she had feared. About Voldemort. And for the first time since Envy had died, actual fear settled in her bones and her breathing hitched. She knew the Dark Lord was never dead, even when Harry Potter had gone around, prancing about how he had single handedly killed Voldemort himself. Envy knew it wasn't a lie but it wasn't true either. Voldemort never died.

And that's when she heard it. It started out as a soft whisper, barely audible, but Envy could hear it. She could hear the urgency in the voice. It pulled her right up to her feet and Envy floated through the horde of children before her. Some greeted her, but Envy could barely hear them. Her main focus was on the voice, that had now turned into a loud yell, begging her to hurry, urging her. So she did.

The voice had led her to a door. A door she had walked by so many times, a door she had floated by so many times. Dumbledore's office. Envy didn't know what awaited her beyond the doors, but she went through nevertheless. The voice had died down by now.

"Envy Astra Belva, it has been such a long time." She heard the loud, booming voice of Dumbledore and she looked ahead, straight into his eyes. A soft and kind smile was spread over his wrinkled face.

"Ten years is hardly long Professor." Envy spoke and watched as his chest rose with a small chuckle and Envy found herself smiling.

"Do you know why I summoned you here Envy?" Dumbledore asked as he took a seat and looked at her so thoughtfully. Envy shook her head.

"I haven't any idea Professor but I certainly know it isn't for tea." Dumbledore cracked a smile and urged Envy to move forward, and the ghost did, floating ever so elegantly. Envy once dared to think that being a ghost wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, but immediately punished herself for thinking such an atrocious thing.

"The day you died," Dumbledore began and watched as the tears sprung up to Envy's eyes. The topic was highly sensitive and still so very raw to Envy. "You found something that may be of use now." He watched as she slowly nodded and loose strands of her dark, inky hair fell over her face. Envy pushed them away and wiped furiously at her teary eyes.

"I was but a mere naive girl at the moment, hardly thought it could help." She whispered, loud enough for Dumbledore to hear her shaking voice. "Me and Klaus were going to start a legacy of our own. But like every other Belva family member, I suffered a most gruesome fate." 

Dumbledore tried to ignore the last part, he didn't want to tell her how good Klaus was living now. It'd tear her apart to hear that the man she once had loved to pieces had started a family with none other than Octavia, the Slytherin head girl at the time. It would break her heart. The Hufflepuff boy had promised himself to her. But then she mysteriously died. No one knew what happened that night, only that she was found about ten feet from the library doors.

"I need to know what happened that unfaithful night Envy." Dumbledore had said, trying to steer her mind away from the love she lost. "And what you found out. It's of most importance."

"I'll tell you Professor." Envy spoke, eyeing something in particular. She hoped it was what she thought it was, if it wasn't, she'd be devastated. "I, however, have a price I hope you are willing to pay."

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