two ; and when you awake

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And when you awake, the roses, the sky, the sea, the butterflies, will be awaiting you my dear.

It had taken Dumbledore two days to agree to what Envy had suggested. He knew this was but a mere small price to pay in exchange for information that may end the Dark Lord forever. Once he had finished using the stone on Envy, she had fallen unconscious. It had been three days now.

Envy however was surprised to find Dumbledore alongside Harry Potter and two other Gryffindors once she awoke, at the foot of the bed she lay in. She first had inspected herself and her clothes. She then looked up to Dumbledore and crashed into him with a hug. "I'm alive! Thank you so much Professor!"

"Envy," The voice of Dumbledore had said when she sat on the bed. "I'd like you to meet Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley." Envy shook their hands, a smile still plastered on her face. "This is Envy Belva."

"You're the Weeping Willow." Hermione spoke, her eyes wide with excitement. Envy shook her head. She wasn't the Weeping Willow anymore. She was well and alive, she couldn't be the Weeping Willow anymore. She wasn't dead.

"Correction, I was the Weeping Willow." Envy smiled. Dumbledore however wasn't smiling. He didn't find it funny like the others. "Something wrong Professor?"

"We have no time to waste Envy. He's on the move, you know that as well as we do." A shudder ran down Envy's spine and she shivered. Dumbledore was telling the truth, and how she hated the truth.

"I was headed out the library that night, my wand hovering above my head, illuminating the book I held in my hands." She glanced to her hands. "And I bumped into something and I shone my wand on it, a sense of calmness washed over me once I noticed it was but a statue." Envy shook her head, the memories had always been there. They never left. "It was no taller than a six year old, whatever that thing was. It wanted the book, but I refused. Knowing clear and well of the information in the book. It pulled out its own wand. And it muttered two unforgivable words, Avada Kedavra. And I fell down dead."

From the corner of her eye, Envy saw Hermione suck in a sharp breath. "Are you trying to tell us, to make us believe, that a house elf had pulled a wand on you and said those exact words?"

"You're not the one who died that night Granger, shut it." Envy snarled at her. "Like I said, I don't know what it was, it wasn't a house elf." Envy shook her head and looked at Hermione. "I can tell the difference between that thing and a house elf. That thing was made of stone, entirely out of stone."

"A Gargoyle perhaps?" Harry suggested and Envy shook her head. She knew it wasn't that either. Whatever that thing was, remained a mystery to her.

"The book I had, it took it, I think." Envy said. After her death, she found herself in the Ravenclaw common room. And although she could have left the common room, which she did several times, she claimed a corner for herself and made it her haven. And even though the Ravenclaws asked her about a hundred questions a day, she felt at home. It was after all, once her house. It housed her for the six years of her time here in Hogwarts.

"But you do remember the information you found on Voldemort?" Harry asked and Envy nodded so fast and quick, she was certain she nearly broke her neck.

"Of course I remember, I have never forgotten." She shook her head. But she was telling the truth, she hadn't forgot. She couldn't forget, no matter how many times she tried. "I can't forget even if I want to."

"Well, what is it?" She heard Dumbledore ask. Envy could hear his patience grow thinner. He wanted to know the information, he after all did uphold his end of the bargain. He ached to know and all Envy was doing was going round the bend. She sighed.

"He split his soul into eight, but you may already know that. If you can find all seven Horcruxes and destroy them, you won't truly kill him, you'll only render him weak. And that's when you strike." Envy said, the last part directed to Harry only. She knew the story, it was all Hogwarts could talk about. The Ravenclaw common room would buzz about it after dinner, and sometimes Envy grew tired of it. Hearing one person's name being praised each day was life draining, and although she was dead, she could feel the life being sucked out from her.

"You said he split his soul into eight but you mentioned only seven Horcruxes." Harry had a look of confusion on his face and Envy shook her head.

She looked at Ron instead, who hadn't said a word since she awoke. "Lucky for you guys, I know where they all are. Except one actually."

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