35: True Love {2}

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"Hey. Hey. Hey. Look at me, Steven Grant Rogers" Tony stepped up to Steve, holding him in his arms and making him look up to him. The vulnerability in Steve's eyes could kill him "You're nothing, not even close to whatever you said right now. You're an amazing man. A saviour. A knight. You're the pride of this nation. You're their Captain. You're an Avenger. And you're the crush of many teenage girls including me" Steve and Tony chuckled through their tears "If you look at yourself through my eyes, you would see a world full of light. Because you are anything but darkness, my love. Look at your flaws through my heart and you'll find them to be specks of gold in a mountain full of priceless jems. Because your flaws, they stand out just yet they are still gold, something every human desires. You're so flawfully flawless to me, my darling. Look at yourself through mt soul and you will see a whole universe, my universe. You will see a man who has made me worthy of owning more than just planets and stars and galaxies. You will see a man who has made me worthy of owning your heart, the most rare, the most strongest, the most beautiful thing ever found in this Universe and in any other. I am lucky to have you because you are worth every dime i will ever known, you are worth every tear, worth every smile, worth every heart break and worth every try. You are worth my soul. And although, that will still be very less to compensate, that is the most i can offer" Tony spoke with so much sincerity that Steve shook with tears "Steven Grant Rogers, look into my eyes and look at yourself. I only see a man with the most strongest and cherishable heart. I only see a man with the purest, most genuine souls. I see you as you and I feel so lucky, so grateful to be owning your love, to be worthy of it-" Tony was cut when Steve placed a hand on his lips and shook his head.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare say you aren't worthy of my love, Stark. You are worth everything I'll ever own. You're worth the heart, you have so solely praised. You are worth the sould, that you just sang memoirs of. You're worth all that i can ever give to you and I still won't be able to give tou enough. Ypu make me worthy, Tony. And i dont think anything else defines it better. You give me my strength. You give me my genuineness. But most importantly, you give me my love. You keep me at bay. You keep me sane. You make this world feel like nothing when i have you besides me, your hand in mine. You are mainly the only reason, why I want to open my eyes and wake up every morning. You are the only reason, why I continue being Captain America, because I want you to be proud of me. You are the only reason why I want to continue with life, Tony. You give me life. You bring life to me. You bring life to my existence, my entirety. And i love you entirely with it. I love you so so much" Steve spoke his heart out as this time, Tony cried in his hands.

"God. I love you so much more" Tony said back as Steve leapt forward to connect their lips in a kiss.

And this once, their kiss was pure bliss, pure love. All confusions, all misunderstandings, all pain, hurt, sadness was replaced by security, serenity, love, bliss, joy and understanding. It was a true love's true kiss.

As they parted, the door slammed open. Their eyes turned to see Bruce standing there with an upset expression. He was slightly green on his neck. Both of their eyes widened as they stepped ahead.

"What's wrong, Bruce?" Tony asked but was shocked when Bruce stomped towards Steve, looking ready to take him down.
"YOU! YOU SAID HE WON'T COME BACK!" Bruce yelled in Steve's face as his green started showing even more. Oh he was mad.
"Wait. Who? What are you talking about, Bruce? Calm down, please" Steve said calmly, putting his hands on Bruce's shoulders. The latter seemed to have calmed down by the action but looked deadly, still.
"Barnes. He's downstairs" Bruce spoke with malice lacing his voice. Steve looked at him in surprise that was soon replaced with anger. Not again. But this time, Steve was not alone. Tony was ten times worse as he didn't wait another second and stamped out of the room, calling out for his suit. Bruce and Steve shared a look before rushing after him.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING OVER HERE!?" Tony's voice made everyone in the hall jump in fright. Bucky turned around to see Iron Man looking at him very angrily. He gulped inaudible. Natasha and Wanda kept quiet.
"I am here to talk to Steve" Bucky replied.

Upon hearing Tony's words, Bucky broke down, falling to the ground and sobbing wrecklessly. Tony felt taken back. He instantly got out of his suite. But the very second, Steve came into the picture. He saw Bucky crying and looked confused at Tony who looked back equally confused. They both sat down with Bucky.

"Hey, Buck. What's wrong?" Steve asked ever so lightly. Bucky met his eyes and lightly inhaled.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I am so sorry for playing you like this. I am so sorry for taking you away from the one man you truly loved. I am so sorry for manipulating you and making you believe into something that was entirely wrong. I am so sorry for misusing you. I am so so so sorry" Bucky sobbed as Steve and Tony shared a look, both showing how much sympathy they felt for Bucky. Tony nodded at Steve with understanding as Steve smiled back at his love.
"Buck, it's okay. It's completely fine. I got over it. Instead, i should be thanking you. If it wasnt for all that you made me go through, after all the time i spent with you, I realised that nothing could deviate me from my Tony. I realised how much i truly loved Tony and how he was, is and will always be My One True Love. So, yeah. Thank you" Steve gave Bucky an encouraging smile as he seemed to be calmed down a little.
"Yeah. And just calm down, will you Barnes? You're freaking me out. I mean, okay, i do despise you but you don't have to be such a wuss about it" Tony shrugged sassily as everyone fell out laughing.
"I am so sorry, Tony. To you, as well. Steve truly loves you. He never cheated on you. I manipulated him. I lured him into wronging you. He only loves you. He truly does. I am truly sorry" Bucky apologized to Tony as Tony smiled at him nodding sincerely.
"I know. Thank you for making me realise that there is only my One true Steve for me" Tony smiled at him, slightly pressing his hand in comfort.

"Well, if we are done with the romances, can i order some food? You all up for Chinese?" Natasha spoke up as they all shared a laugh shaking their head. All three of the men stood up.
"I want some Carbonara Pasta" Tony groaned.
"How about I make you some?" Steve stepped up to him holding his hands. Tony's eyes gleamed with excitement.
"OH MY GOD. WILL YOU?" Tony asked excitedly. Steve's Carbonara is a delight! Steve nodded, laughing at his boy friend "OHMYGOD. I LOVE YOU" Tony circled his arms around Steve's neck kissing him and hugging him excitedly.
"I love you more, my love" Steve hugged him back, warmly.

Finally, life made some sense.

____________The End______________

Alright, y'all! I'm finally done with 'True Love' Hope y'all enjoyed this. I truly enjoyed writing this, so emotional and so deep. Thank you EvansDowney09 for blessing me with this idea. Love you. Keep supporting by liking, sharing and commenting.

Ps. I take requests.

Love, N

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