Chapter 27: The End

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(Ember PoV)

We arrived to a saddened base. this isn't the usual Tone of the base. I carried Fred off, Ghost carried papyrus, and Scarlet carried what was left of Osiris. We moved through the base over to the Morgue. People noticed us and look down, we just carry on walking, we got to the Morgue and placed the bodies down, then we placed sheets over them. We walked out and just went to our Dorms, I really didn't want to talk to anyone. I was looking at the Lightsabre, I knew who needs this.

I got up and headed over to Tina's Dorm, I knocked on the door but I could only hear a muffled crying. "Frost, please open the door." I asked, "FUCK OFF." Was the only response I had. "Tina, *Sigh* Please let me in." Grace answered the door instead, "Daniel, she really isn't in the right place right now." "I know Grace, but I need to hand her this." I said holding the lightsabre, I passed it to Grace, "And tell her his last thought was of her, he told me to tell her that he loved her, and he was sorry for breaking his promise." I said, trying to hold back my tears, I started to turn away when I got rushed by frost, she was hugging me tightly. I returned the Hug, I was still holding back my tears, it was hard but I've done it before.

"Thank you Daniel, thank you for being there for him in his final hour." She said through her tears. "He was a very brave man and went through probably more than most of us here have ever been through." I responded, she finally let go and walked back into her Dorm, Grace did the same and I walked back to mine and Adams Dorm.

Once I got back I saw Adam sat there with Marius and Elena, Elena crying uncontrollably. I decided it would be better if I don't intrude on this and went away to the woods. I just sat there looking at the wilderness. I pulled out my sword and just looked at it, "Imagine this all started because Hassen tried to kill me by pulling you out." I said to myself with a little laugh. Trying to lighten my own mood up. I heard a few steps behind me and turned around, I saw Sans, Eliza, Scarlet, Adam and Delta.

They all sat down next to me, Eliza resting her head on Scarlet's shoulder, they looked cute together. The funerals were tomorrow, and I don't know if I can handle it, never mind the others. I wont even be able to look into my mother's eyes when I tell her I had to kill one of her own sons. Fucks sake this just gets Worse and Worse by the fucking second.

(Time skip, Next day, The funeral)

"We are gathered here today, to sadly lay some rest. Unfortunately yesterday during the raid against the White masks Lucas Healo, CT – 2109 and Osiris were sadly slain by the White mask threat." Six tried to say, trying to not cry like the rest of us. "They were excellent soldiers, and even more excellent Family Members. And today we lower them to their final resting place, here in a church near Hereford base. All we can do know is hope that they can rest peacefully and hope to what ever god you all pray too that we can stop these white masks." She said, walking away.

We all went up to pay our respects before they get lowered. We went to Georges Pub after it. at about midnight we went back to Hereford base, and slept, we were off the entirety of the next week. "Good bye Papyrus, I will miss you brother." I heard Adam say, "We all will Adam." I replied before going to sleep. 

(This is the ending, i had completed most of it whilst my internet was out, i just decided to upload it all at once at like 2:15 AM, which was probably a bad fucking idea but eh. Hope you enjoyed.)

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