Chapter 5:

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(Ember PoV)

Only a handful of people know about me, Doc, Grace, Eliza and Delta. We were in fact called for a mission, just the 4 of us which was strange considering they usually arrive as a pack of 5, but ah well. "Hey Eliza, how is our younger brother?" I asked, "He's an office worker, I've not spoke to him years due to the last time." She responded, I could sense the venom.

"What happened last time, and where do I need to hit him?" I asked with anger, "You were always the protective older brother, it was just an argument. Dad being abusive to me and Hassen got the Entitled route, me and Mom left as soon as we could, at a family gathering he started arguing with me, same with Dad, I just told them to fuck off and kicked them out of the house." Eliza said. She seemed sad about this.

"I'm going to kill dad for what he did to us one day." I said to Eliza, "Don't, even though I hate him he is the only one keeping Hassen away from right now." She responded. "Ill just kill them both, I don't count them as family after what they both did that night." I said. Then Grace spoke up, "What happened that night?"


I was walking down stairs and saw Hassen holding a knife up to Eliza, I then saw my Dad slap my Mom, I grew in pure rage. I ran down those stairs and punched Hassen, he sliced my arm but that didn't stop my onslaught. I disarmed him and threw the knife away. Then my Dad came in to try and save Hassen.

"DANIEL, THAT IS NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR BROTHER." He screamed, going in to punch me, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, I then broke his arm. "AND THAT'S NO WAY TO TREAT MOM OR ELIZA, SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE OR FUCKING BEG FOR FORGIVENESS." I screamed back, I saw nothing but fear in their eyes, they were both begging for forgiveness soon after. They still left the house for a week. Stayed at our grandmas on our fathers side.

"Daniel, your bleeding." Eliza exclaimed before running over to me, I was going light headed. Mom ran over with a Med-Kit and stitched up the cut, stopping the bleeding. "I'm so sorry for that." I said to them both. They both hugged me. "Daniel, even though you did use vulgar language you was in the right too, you may have just saved your sisters life." My mom said.

After that Hassen never spoke to me, and my Dad only spoke to me if he needed help. I fucking scared the shit out of them. Which was good.

(End Flashback)

My fists were clenched, Hard. I looked up and they were all staring at me. "So that's why they aren't family to me, and I wouldn't care if they died." I said in an angry tone. "I only forgiven father, it took Hassen a year before I would accept him as family." Eliza said.

We were still in the car driving. Eliza at the wheel, Doc in shotgun, and me, Delta and Grace in the back. It was supposed to be a quick in and out mission. Get the Spy disguised as a White Mask out before he gets executed. Simple I thought.

We entered the building, we knew where the Hostage was so we only wanted to get there and out, no killing the stronghold yet as we don't have the authority to be here yet. We snuck in and I could instantly hear someone scream. "[I bet that's him.]" I said through the Comms, "[Who's him?]" Eliza said, sometimes I forget I have enhanced hearing, "[I hear screaming, we need to hurry.]" I said, picking up the pace, Delta took point as she could turn invisible and sneak through them without getting caught. She relayed information back to us and we took up out guns and started executing the White masks, one by one they fell. We were making a lot of noise and the alarm soon raised.

"Delta turn that alarm off before we get surrounded]" I said into the comms, then I looked behind and saw 3 bombers. I managed to take two of them out but the other one headed for Eliza and Grace. I only had one thing I could do. "[Is my armour explosive proof delta?]" I asked as a joke, nice way to go out. "[I don't know you've never tested it.]" she said as I rugby tackled the bomber away from Eliza and Grace. We were battling over the detonator when another bomber came around the corner and blew up. Sending me and the other bomber flying, I had shrapnel stuck in my leg, o could feel it. Good news is I had the other Bombers detonator in my hand, with means it disconnected. I picked up my RG-15 and shot 3 rounds into the Bombers head, Doc rushed over to me and I jokingly said, "[Its not explosive proof.]" before blacking out.

I woke up in a hospital bed, still with my helmet on, which was good. at least Doc knew not to take it off. I started to stir when Eliza walked in, "How is he Doc?" she asked,

"I don't know, he should be awake in a week, but with how his cells work it could be sooner, I found some irregular things in his cells, he was injected with a modified version of the outbreak virus. This didn't take him over however, it instead bonded with him, enhancing his Speed, Hearing, Sight and healing capabilities. However I have no idea how his body will react with our medicine, so far his cells have fought off and destroyed any attempt." Doc said, "His body only reacts well with my Stim shots, which I had to use to help clog up some of the holes in his body."

That's when I decided to wake up a bit more. "Fucking hell I've got one belter of a headache." I said when sitting up. Eliza rushed over to me Doc held her back. "When was you going to tell what you were injected with?" Doc asked, "I wasn't as I didn't know what I was injected with." I replied. He seemed content with this answer,

"You may have been infected with a virus that fell from space. But it was definitely human made. How whoever injected you with it got it I don't know, but you got a modified version. Instead of killing you it helped you. Bonding with you. You should be clear to go soon with how you heal," he said, "Thanks Doc."

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