Chapter 17:

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(Ember PoV)

It was a pretty chill week. But we are now off back to base, back to shooting terrorists and not getting killed. This will be fun. I looked to myside and see Grace fast asleep on my shoulder, we were close to landing so I decided to wake her up. "Hey Grace, we are here." I said whilst gently shaking her. She slowly opened her eyes, Yawned and then put her arms around me. "That was a fun week." She said, "Yeah, never thought your family would accept a deranged killer." I jokingly said, she smiled, "Still can't believe you had already saved my Father though, twice now actually." She Said.

"Its my duty Grace. Protect the Innocent." I said smiling back to her. The plane had just landed and we got off and was met with Ela and Yumiko. "Hey you guys." Grace said, I simply smiled and waved. "Wait, Ember? You taking your mask of now?" Yumi asked, "Yeah, and it's Daniel, Daniel Cohen. You all deserve to know who I am at least if we are working together." I replied. Both Yumi and Ela looked shocked, "Daniel Cohen as in Eliza's dead brother." They both said as I echoed through the airport. "In the flesh, and not 6ft under." I laughed.

They guided us to the car, we jumped in and set off towards Hereford base. firstly they stopped at a pub. We walked in and saw George there working. "Hey George, we are here to pick up that package." Ela said, George looked at us, then a woman came up from behind him, "Daniel Cohen, well I'll be damned I thought you were dead." She said, I was glad the Pub was empty.

"Scarlet, Long time no see. How's the Family?" I asked, "It's good, Shawn and Lucas still bicker a bit. Adam has come back from the warzone alive." I nodded smiling, "Well I'll let you get back to work, nice talking again Scarlet." I said, "You too Daniel." She replied before going into a back room.

"How do you know so many different people?" Grace asked, "Sans and Papyrus I could say, but unfortunately her story is classified." I said, she looked a bit sad but could understand.

"Hey Grace, did you hear? Emma and Taina are pregnant." I heard Yumi say from behind me, "Really? That sort of surprises me, especially Taina." She responded, kinda shocked.

We got ready to go and we got back to base, entered and went back to my Dorm, Grace joined me again. We got ready to work since it was only 12 PM, but Six told us take the day off. So we did. A nice day off for all that worth.

(Eliza PoV)

"Can Operator Ash please report to my office"

I was kinda startled by this, but I got ready and headed over. As I walked in Six looked like a mix of angry and sad. "Afternoon Six, What's up?" I asked, slightly curious on what's got her so worked up. "I've got some bad news, I'm telling you because I know how you will respond. Daniel or Lucy are loose cannons." She responded, that sent me on the edge of the chair, now my heart was in my throat.

"You parents have been captured. And your brother Hassen have joined the White Masks, and in the position he is in due to your Fathers 'Disappearance' makes him quite Powerful." She said, my heart just dropped. I didn't know how to respond. I could feel tears start to well up but I also felt my anger Rise.

"Now, I am prepared to send you, Lucy and Daniel on a mission to save them. But I need you to break the news to them. As I don't think I will be able too as well as you can." Six said, I nodded. "Please call them to the meeting room, I'll go there and break it too them."

Six nodded, "[Can Operators Ember and Zeta please report to the Meeting room.] I'll join you." Six added before standing up. We headed over to the Meeting room where Daniel and Lucy were already waiting. Daniel could see the state I was in and instantly rushed over, "Woah Eliza, what's happened?" he asked, I sat down, "Daniel, our parents have been captured, and Hassen has become a White Mask." I explained, Lucy looked shocked, but Daniel looked angry. "That heartless bastard, I've already taught him this lesson once. Guess it didn't sink in hard enough." He said, I could taste the Venom on his tongue, "When do we move out?" he said, somehow keeping himself composed.

"After you assemble a team you can leave and try to save them." Six said, "No need, I already have my team. You've been looking for them recently Six, They will help." He said, I was slightly confused. Then six spoke up, "Bad Company?" she asked, Daniel only nodded, "Ok, go get your team ready, you can leave when ever."

We got up and Daniel charged out of the Room.

(Ember PoV)

I was walking through the hall when I lost my composure, I just screamed as I punched the wall ten times. Ela came out of the room to see what the banging on her wall was, Y/n after her. "You Ok Man?" Y/n asked, "No, I'm fucking not." I said storming off towards Grace. I regained my composure a bit before entering.

"Hey Grace, ill be out for a week, maybe even a month. I will keep in contact." I said quickly grabbing my stuff. "Why?" she asked a bit sad. "My parents have been captured by my spineless brother called Hassen. So I'm going to save them with Lucy and Eliza." I said, a gave her a quick hug and a kiss, I'll call later on tonight." I said before walking out.

I made my way down towards the SUV. Lucy, Delta and Eliza was already there, "How do we contact this 'Bad Company'?" Eliza asked, "They probably already know, but I know the first place to go." I said, getting into the Drivers side and setting off, I got a text from Sans, "Pub Scarlet works at, 3 PM, Don't be late." I simply pocketed the phone and looked at the time, "2:50, got ten mins to get there." I said, Lucy and Eliza looked at me strangely. "What do you mean?" Eliza asked

"We have a meeting. Don't worry, you will like them, wont they Delta." I said, Delta's ears perking up, "We seeing Miss L/n and the Healo Brothers again?" I could hear the excitement in her voice. "Yes we are Delta, been a while hasn't it."

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