Chapter 4: The Reunion That Should Have Happened 17 Tears Ago

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(Ember PoV)

I felt so fucking guilty. The Korean girl didn't know what was happening. I saw Eliza start to tear up. I had to tell her.

"Hey Eliza, don't cry. Daniel isn't dead." I said, she looked at me with confusion, tears still streaming down her face. "Yes he is, I went to his fucking funeral Ember." I took my helmet off and Balaclava off.

"I'm not dead Eliza." She looked at me with happiness then started hugging me, she then slapped me. "Where the fuck have you been for 17 years?" "I have been killing white masks, after what they did to my team and me, I couldn't let that happen to anyone else. I'm sorry for not staying in contact but if I was dead then they wouldn't go after you, mom or Hassen." I said, trying to hold back tears. I sat down, Delta coming to my side. "Did I do something wrong Daniel?" Delta asked, "Oh no you haven't done anything wrong Delta, this should have happened 17 years ago." I said, still holding back tears.

"I'm sorry Eliza, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry for leaving you and mom, I know I don't deserve forgiveness." I said. "It was a fucking mistake coming here." I said before getting up. I put my balaclava on and then my helmet. "Don't tell anyone who I am." I said before leaving.

(Eliza PoV)

"What did he mean, it was a fucking mistake coming here" I asked Grace, "I don't know, I didn't even know you had a brother. I'm just confused." She responded, I walked over to his Dorm and started knocking on his door. "Ember, please open up I want to talk." I got no response, Delta walked up behind me. "are you sure he's in there?" Delta asked, "I don't know." I responded, Delta nodded and her tail turned into a lockpick, she unlocked the door and opened it.

"Ember?" I asked as I walked in, Delta locked the door behind us. "Ember you in here?" I asked again, still getting no answer, I walked into the bedroom and I didn't see him there, I then walked into the bathroom and noticed blood around the mirror, it was smashed but there was also a knife beside it, it had blood on it. I immediately started think the worst.

"I know he told me not to tell anyone but I need to tell you Eliza, Ember is severely depressed. To the point of suicidal. We need to find him now." Delta said, sounding worried. I was just shocked, why did he want to keep this to himself. I rushed out of the room and looked for Grace. "Grace, can you track a phone?" I asked, she nodded, Delta gave a number and She got a trace, "its in the middle of the wood outside. Come on I'll show you." She said as she started running towards the exit. The guards tried to stop us but I ran past and Delta growled at them. We ran into the woods whilst Delta got Doc.

We saw him sat there, looking at the lake. Then looking at his hand. We slowly approached him but he heard us. "Don't you understand privacy?" he said, I was a bit shocked at this. He turned his head and noticed us. He noticed my expression. "I'm guessing Delta told you, Delta is a good dog. My best creation." He said looking bat his wrists, I saw the red streaks across them.

"Daniel, please Explain the mirror, and knife." I said, Grace looked confused but quickly understood. "It happened about 18 years ago, me and my squad were captured. We were tortured for 6 months, we were tested on." He explained, I heard Doc and Delta run up behind us.

"we were injected with a virus and different serums. They tried to make me into their super soldier, they turned my squad mates into monsters, but these monsters didn't attack me, they attacked them. I don't understand why but it happened. You ever wonder why my iris are Red instead of Brown, its because of what they injected into me. You see these cuts on my wrists, they were deep. Completely healed, only a scar left. What ever they did to me and my squad mates fucked me up. That's why I single handed took down multiple strongholds by myself. My pure hatred and anger took over. I've learned to control that anger, and what ever they had done to me." He explained.

Doc walked up, "I'm sorry to hear that Ember. But please listen to us, don't kill yourself now you've got a family. We can help you, you just need to open up and talk to us. I'm going to ask Six for you to stay with someone, instead of your own Dorm. Getting to know someone will be better for your health." Ember nodded, he stood up and walked back to base. Delta followed him.

"Which one of you two does he like the most?" Doc asked, Grace blushed a bit. "I'm his sister, his name is Daniel Cohen. Don't tell anyone his name, but he can stay with me."

"Ok Eliza, ill tell Six that he changing Dorm for his mental health. Look after him for us Oui?" Doc said, I just nodded. "Good, ill tell Six to allow you a day off too, to look after him." He walked off, me and grace followed afterwards. I walked to Embers Dorm to help him grab a few things. He had pretty much grabbed his essentials already. "Lead the way Eliza." He said as I walked towards my Dorm, only one person stopped him from entering.

(Ember PoV)

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I heard an angry Texan say behind me. I turned and stared at him though my helmet, I could see the skull etched into it in the reflection of his eyes. He squared up to me. I still stood there with my backpack on, "Answer me you prick." I remember he was the only member here I beat the shit out off, he must think I'm going to do the same thing to Eliza.

He went for a punch and that was my cue, I grabbed his fist then headbutted him, and with my helmet on it must have hurt him. He was on the floor with a broken nose and I just walked into the room. I heard Eliza speak to him. "Why did you provoke him?" "last time I saw him he knocked me out." "Because you attacked him, that was on you, we all said don't engage and you didn't listen." I heard him walk away and Eliza walk into the room, "Is always a prick?" I asked, "No he isn't, not all the time."

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