Chapter 16: The Meal

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(Ember PoV)

After some time they decided on a restaurant, we were going to meet Grace's Sister there. We set off in our car, I made sure I had my RG-15 on me, it never left my side. Delta decided to follow, and since I have papers on her being a service animal she can actually join us, won't be speaking though but can warn me due to my earpiece.

We arrived at the Restaurant, looked quite good in all honesty. Quite Fancy. We walked in and I was instantly met with people looking at me, I didn't have my mask or helmet on so I guess they see the scars. Ah well. We Walked in and got waved over by someone in the back corner, I'm guessing it was Grace's sister. We walked over and they instantly started talking in Korean, I could translate it a bit but Delta was doing most of it for me, since she can speak directly into my earpiece without making a sound.

"I'm sorry for this Mei, but can we please speak in English. Daniel here doesn't know that much Korean." Grace asked, "Yeah sure, Who is this Daniel by the way Grace?" Mei said, I decided to step in, "Hello, I am Daniel Cohen. Pleasure to meet you..." I said, "Mei." She responded, "And pleasures all mine. I got told a few things about you by Grace, you better treat her well." She said with a slight laugh. "I will try my hardest to make her happy." I responded. We sat down and started talking, we ordered food for a bit. We had spent two hours there when Delta spoke up.

"[Sir, there are 5 armed men entering the building. They don't look like military or even Police. I'll keep an eye on them for you.]" She explained, I looked down at her in between me and Grace under the Table.

"So Daniel, you work with Grace?" Mei asked, "Yeah, only really just started. You were one of the first people who spoke to me. Other than Eliza of course." I said looking at Grace, she smiled back. "I won't forget the day that you told Eliza who you were. I've never seen her so happy." Grace said.

"Who's Eliza?" Xio asked, "Oh, Eliza is a close friend at Rainbow, and she's Daniels younger sister." Grace answered. "[Sir we may be in trouble. Those armed men keep on looking in our direction. I can intercept a few Radio waves between them and someone else, should I intercept?]" Delta asked, I simply held an 'ok' symbol in-front of her, she understood and started on her work.

"You ok Daniel?" Debra asked me, "Yeah I'm ok." I responded, "You sure you look a little tense." Grace said, I looked at her and smiled, "After what I've been through being a little tense is the least of my problems." I said with a little laugh.

"What have you been through, from what I heard it was a lot." Xio Asked, "Well, where to start, I was abused by Father when I was younger, until one night where I stood up for myself, Eliza and my mother against my younger brother and my Father, I joined the military and got captured during a raid, my entire team did. I'll save you some details but it wasn't nice. I was by myself for a year, until Delta entered my life. Had a failed assassination attempt on me, which made everyone think I was dead. I could honestly go on." I replied.

That's when Delta spoke up again, "[They are White masks, they are looking for us, they know what Grace and Dokkaebi look like, they are waiting on the go ahead from their boss.]"

"Grace, Xio, you carrying?" I asked, "I know it's a weird question but we may be in trouble."

"How do you know?" Mei asked, "Delta, explain please." I responded. "I have picked up Comm chatter between the men behind us, they are waiting on the go ahead to attack Grace and Xio. I have evaluated escape routs for you all to get out whilst Daniel keeps them busy." Delta explained, They all looked shocked, "Get Down." Delta says before the people behind us stood up and started shooting at us. We was lucky there was a wall we could take cover behind. I unholster my RG-15 and start returning fire, I managed to hit one in the leg blind firing, I then peaked a bit and hit two others in the head. Before taking a bullet in the arm.

"Delta, get them out. I can hold them off. Once they are safe come back and help. If I haven't killed them already." I ordered quickly, she nodded and signalled the others to follow. I watched as they quickly left through a back entrance without being noticed. I then peak again and take out the other two. But 5 more enter through the door and started firing at me. I quickly reloaded and peaked again taking out 3 of them and injuring the last. Now I had two injured Enemies and one that can fire back. I quickly check where they are and see the Uninjured one suddenly get picked up, I saw as he just started floating there until the person revealed themselves. With a sickening crunch his neck got snapped.

Then the person spoke, "It's a beautiful Day outside, Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming." He stopped right there, I know what he wants, "On days like this, kids like you, should be burning in hell. Sans my brother how's it been?" I asked, the figure smiled, "It's Ok Daniel, long time no see. Fancy seeing you here of all places, not after that mad Tank sesh we had." He said with a laugh. "How's your brother?" I asked, "He's ok, still working for the lady. We all are." He responded. "Has rainbow found you yet?" o asked, "They are finally getting on our trail but it will be hard to find us, it always has been." He said as I signalled him to follow, we walked out the back and saw Grace and Xio talking to law enforcement. They pointed weapons at me and Sans but lowered them once Xio said that we were with them.

"Glad you made it out." Grace said running up to me. "I'm glad too." I said hugging her. "Woah Daniel, you got a girl now. Never thought you were capable of emotions." Sans laughed, his thick Scottish accent making people around us scared.

"Who's this Daniel?" Grace asked, "Oh this is Shawn "Sans" Healo, I met him back in the army and we stuck together a bit after my Assassination." I explained, Sans then walked up, "Hi, I'm Shawn, I have a brother named Lucas but he prefers Papyrus. Due to his addiction to Undertale." He said shaking Graces hand.

"Cybernetic arm." Grace said, I didn't even notice and Sans looked shocked, "You could tell, not many people can." He said with shock, "Reaper back at base has Cybernetic arms and legs. And has a DNI in her head to control them." Grace explained.

"Yeah, Me and Papyrus got blown up by and IED. The lady got the treatment Done on us undercover. She had the money to do it. it saved mine and Papyrus's life, we are in eternal Debt to her. Hey Daniel, we found Adam again, Cell had him locked up and some suit Machine, we broke him out and he's with us again. That's when me and Papyrus got hit by the IED." He explained.

"Wow, Adam. Haven't seen him years, didn't thin Cell could have grabbed him like that though." I said, "Yeah they had Electrical based weaponry, which eventually short circuited his suit and they grabbed him like that." He explained some more, "Anyway, I'd love to stay but I must get going, don't want to be late home. Ill see you around Daniel." He said before Disappearing. "See you later Shawn" I added quickly.

"Well that was a nice little reunion." I said before looking at Grace, I started feeling light headed, I'm guessing I should probably focus on my wound now. "Woah, I feel like I've lost quite a bit of blood again." I said before blacking out. I woke up in a hospital, the same one I put Xio in. They were around me looking worried. I started to stir and Grace noticed me. "You need to stop doing that." She said. I smiled, "Can't help getting shot at in the line of work we do Grace, but I'll certainly try." I responded. She smiled back.

"Also, before we leave, What did Shawn mean by 'Mad Tank Sesh'?" Grace asked, I started laughing at the memory. "Well the White masks decided to start collecting old Tanks and fixing them up for combat. We had caught wind of this and decided to steal a tank of them for ourselves to use against them. Me, Sans, Papyrus and Adam snuck into their base, Broke about 15 Tanks there, took a Sherman and started destroying their base slowly." I started to explain, "He's calling it a Mad Tank Sesh because we all accidentally got high off weed, the fire that we started cooked a warehouse full of weed, and it pretty much Hot Boxed the entire Warehouse, we didn't know this at the time and I drove straight through the warehouse, accidentally getting us high. Tell you what it was fun driving the Sherman after that. Adam was the only Ok one as was wearing his suit. The rest of us suffered the consequences of my action, I'd say suffered but we was actually fine. Probably the most chill ride in a Tank that could ever happen to be fair."

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