I now understand why Mr. Sylvester was repeatedly fuzzing about being vigilant around them.

     There was a palpitating silence in the air, she was evidently afraid that she had been seen through but still pulled up a confident face like nothing in the world can harm her.

    "You disappointed me" I spoke looking straight into her eyes. She was surprised at my words.

     "I thought you finally accepted us but you're still hung up on your hatred for me and still wants to break us apart." I looked at her teary eyed like I was hurt by her behavior.

     She was appalled and she immediately went on to decline saying "No, no, no! You misunderstood me! I just wanted to ask whether you two have deepened your relationship to that level or not." She was eagerly trying to save the conversation but I couldn't see a bit of sincerity in her words.

     "If we did, you would have already smelled it but you still asked me. Do you want to hurt me by saying that he hasn't drank my blood yet even though we are engaged and are going to get married soon?" I was in full victim mode now, trying to make myself look as vulnerable as possible and this surely got her panicked.

     "I thought you were my friend" this was the last straw.

     Her face went pale and I didn't look at her again before turning back to walk away when I heard her shouting.

     "I am your friend that's why I am worried about you!" I stopped in my tracks. I knew she would say something like this and I was waiting for her performance and she did continue "I agree I asked you about him drinking your blood intentionally and I also agree that I was happy when I came to know he didn't because that is the only way you'll remain safe!" her words hit me in the back like a sharp knife.

     I was waiting for some lame excuses but she openly agreed to her schemes. What is she plotting now?

    I turned around to look at her but goosebumps rode my flesh and my eyes widened in shock when I looked at her terrible state. Tears of blood rolled down her cheeks while her eyes remained opened like there was no light in them, they looked dull and tired. Her face looked paler and her appearance broke my heart.

    "Are you alright? What happened?!" I asked rushing to her side, worried and scared.

    In reply, she laughed as she wiped the tear from her cheeks and looked at her finger while saying "We drink blood, we bleed blood and we cry blood yet we're not alive. We breathe, we smell, we taste, we see, we feel like every other being on this planet yet people are scared of us. We have fangs but wolves have claws yet people call us savages for our food needs but call your instincts as natural. We vampires have long been hated by other kinds yet we tolerate but tell me Kasdeya is it our fault that when we drink blood from other's we accidentally harm them?" her words and her question at the end put me in a dilemma.

     I don't want to admit it but her words at some point are correct. I couldn't look at her dark dull eyes, I couldn't bear to look at the broken emotions on her face?

     I gave her some water and tried to calm her down. I felt guilty for saying all those things to her, I shouldn't have said so. I was too quick to judge this time. I took her just like everyone who only knew to break my trust.

    "I'm sorry." I whispered looking down.

     "I shouldn't have said that. My words were too harsh." I said sitting next to her.

    She turned to me almost immediately and rushed on to say "No, it's totally fine! I understand why you cannot trust me. I have hurt you before and ever since our first meeting we have been constantly at war with each other but what I said is really true." She said taking my hands in her and looked up at me concerned.

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