Rally the Prisoners

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Another day... Another fight for Mark.

Almost everyday now he has come back to the cell with at least one bruise on him. Every time I ask him what happened he just shrugs and tells me it's nothing to worry about. But of course I'm gonna worry, he's my best friend.

He keeps telling me that we need to find a way out. But above everything else he is always asking me why I chose to take the helicopter if I didn't know how to fly it. Can't help it if it looked like a cool way to escape. Plus if one of us knew how to fly it then we could have gotten away a lot quicker and further away from the cops. But no... We're here. In Happy Trails Penitentiary!

I'm slowly getting to know everyone. The warden scares me quite a bit. One minute he's the sweetest person, so happy and enthusiastic. The next minute he sounds like he could kill you and make it your fault, and everyone would believe him. I feel like I'm slowly fitting in. But it's not home. Not for me anyway.

That morning at breakfast I felt Mark's hand rest itself on my shoulder. He turned to me with a big smile and said "I think it's about time we break out of this place. But how are we gonna do it?" He sat himself down next to me and put his large hand against his chin in a thinking position, with one finger tapping lightly on his edge of his lip, where it connected to his cheek.

"Well how do you think we're gonna do that? Do you not think it's best to just do our time and just get our when parole comes around?"

"What? No! The way I see it we have two options here. 1. Befriend the guards or 2. Rally the prisoners. Now obviously it's your decision but those are the only two things I can think of at the moment and I leave all the best decisions up to you?"

"Look where that got us." He looked at me confused. I could tell he didn't want to respond to what I had just said, but he waited patiently for a response. I thought about it for a while before I made my final decision. We should rally the prisoners.

"Let's get all the prisoners to help our cause and get ourselves out of here."

"Great! I think first things first we need people to respect us. Wait here!" He skipped along the dining hall towards Jimmy. He was definitely the largest man in this place. He was tall had a dark brown beard that his the lower half of his face and a bald head with a spiderweb tattoo on top. 'Oh no' I thought to myself. Might as well start planning Mark's funeral now. I wonder what colour suit he'd like? Probably pink, knowing him.

All of a sudden I see Mark's body fly through the wall. Well I did tell him that it might not go well.

Almost like magic, I hear a sweet, musical tune. I turn around to see Yancy sitting on a table, everyone around him clicking their fingers.

Not another musical number!

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