A Puppy in the Park (Philidosia)

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For Steal_yoursoul so sorry it's really late :(

Jessica Knox walked down the street, accompanied by her best friend, Theodosia Burr Jr.

The two girls were planning to stop by the ice cream parlor then just hang out in the park.

After they'd gotten their ice cream, Theo found a perfect spot on a bench underneath the shade of an Oak tree.

"Come on!" Theo said. "We don't wanna lose that seat."

"Coming, coming!" Jessica said, hurrying over.

The park was unusually empty, with only about twenty people there. A few had dogs that they let off the leash, so the canines were running around, barking and yapping.

"Aw," Theo cooed when a shaggy little terrier cane close to them and put its little paws on the bench.

"Where's it's owner?" Jessica wondered.

"Don't know," Theo responded.

Just then, a teenage boy ran up to the pup. He had fluffy brown hair, dark but cute eyes, and a freckle-sprayed face.

"Hey," he said, picking up the puppy. "Sorry about her."

"No, no, it's fine," Jessica said. "She's cute."

"What's its name?" Theo asked as the boy put the dog back down.

"Skye," he answered. "My sister named her that, after that dog from Paw Patrol. I'm Philip Hamilton, by the way."

"Oh, I remember that show!" Theo said. "I didn't know it was still around."

"I'm Jessica Knox. My dad knows an Alexander Hamilton." Jessica said.

"That's my Pop," Philip said proudly.

"Theodosia Burr Jr." Theo said. "But most people just call me Theo."

"Ooh, a Burr," Philip said in a teasing tone. "My Pop's always ranting about your dad and some Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Apparently they annoy each other to death."

"I've met Mr. Jefferson before," Theo said. "He wasn't too bad. Just a Southern rich guy. Had a big flair about him."

"Sounds about right," Philip said.

"My dad was an old friend of Alexander's," Jessica said. "Does Henry Knox ring a bell?"

"Yep. My Pop served along with him when they were in the army."

"Mhm," Jessica finished her ice cream. "They haven't seen each other in a while."

"They haven't," Philip agreed. He was about to say something else when a girl called from across the park. "C'mon Pip!"

"Pip?" Theo raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Philip said. "It's what my annoying siblings call me."

"I wish I had siblings," Theo said. "It gets lonely around the house."

"I'm not too close with mine," Jessica said.

"PHILIP!" The girl shouted again.

"I gotta go," Philip said. "Angie's being impatient." He picked up his dog and left.

Jessica looked over at her friend to see Theo staring after Philip. She smirked and elbowed her. Theo snapped to attention.


Jessica laughed. "You were staring at Pip."

"Was not!"

"Were too!"

"Was not!"

"Whatever," Jessica shrugged.

"He is cute..." Theo said quietly.

"You're thinking out loud," Jessica told her.

"Shoot," Theo said. "I should probably run before you make this whole thing public."

"I won't if you do one thing," Jessica started.

"What?" Theo asked earnestly.

"You ask him out," Jessica said.

"I- what?!"

"Just do it." She said.

When Theo didn't respond, she added, "we both know you want to."

"Ugh. Fine," Theo relented.

It worked.

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