No (Hamliza-ish)

421 16 7

Btw this is in Eliza's POV. It's really short.

Oh my goodness. No way.

Angelica is still dying of laughter. I'm dying from embarrassment.

So, I'd had this problem for a while. Four years, to be exact.

My problem is a person. Alexander Hamilton.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

Since four years ago, I started noticing him in a different way then all the other boys. He was always perfect in my eyes.

Gosh, I have problems.

But tonight is decided to talk to Angelica about it. She said I had fallen in love with him.

All I can say to that is... NO

No way in the world. Never in a million years would I think I was in love with someone.

I refuse to believe my older sister and go back to my room. My head and heart are tearing each other apart. I fidget a pen in my hand. My yearbook is open to my class page, and immediately my eyes land on his picture. I can't help but stare at it, until I force myself to look away.

No. I'm not in love.

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