Bonus chapter | Future

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Aaron kept walking forward but she caught his arm and forced him back. "We need to talk, Aaron. Come with me."

Aaron let out a way too obviously exasperated sigh and reluctantly followed her into the kitchen.

"Sit," she said, oblivious that Aaron was glaring until she sat down, fingers clasped on the table, and glanced at him again.

These were like three commands already and today Aaron wasn't feeling it. Two years ago, same date, same day as now, he was in a psycho's house. Constantly being commanded to be this and that. Did she really think this attitude would help?

But Aaron sat nonetheless, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Aaron," Jannette started, "if you, by any chance, feel like... like you need to see a psychologist again-"

"Mom." Leaning back in his seat, Aaron lifted his chin skyward and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about this."

"You can't keep running from your problems. You couldn't even stand a baby in the room. You were shaking, Aaron."

"I wasn't shaking. I'm just upset today, alright?"


"Jannette," said Zach, Aaron's step-father, as he strode into the kitchen. Aaron glanced at him through the corner of his eye then quickly looked away. "Don't pressure him."

Zach was a decent man. Seriously. He never pressured Aaron about his insecurities, never mouthed a wrong word. But Aaron couldn't get past memories out of his head, couldn't bring back the craving for a father anymore. It died long ago.

"I know my son, Zach," Jannette argued, eyes soft but stern. "He won't admit he needs help. He's stubborn like that."

"He's not Aar if he's not stubborn." Leo walked into the kitchen and directly headed towards Aaron. Grabbing his wrist, as if he knew Aaron was uncomfortable, he urged him off the chair. "Come on, Aar."

Aaron looked up at Leo and smiled wholeheartedly for the first time since morning. Leo always made everything better. Except... Aaron glanced at his mom again. He couldn't disrespect her like that in front of Zach, storm out mid-conversation even though he really wanted to.

"Leo, sweetheart." Jannette looked at Leo. "Your brother wants to vent about this, but he needs a little pushing. You know him."

So the problem was: Leo hated Jannette. Aaron had made the mistake of telling him what'd happened years back-when she'd returned after years-long departure, met Aaron in a café, then slapped him-and Leo suddenly despised her.

"No," Leo said. "He doesn't want to talk about it. He wants to leave. He's just too polite to say it."

"Aaron." Zach looked at Aaron, patting his shoulder in a way that gestured him to go. "Go with Leo. You're a mature boy, I know that if you feel like you need help, you'll say it, right? I trust your decision."

Aaron looked up at Zack. Blinked a few times. Then smiled softly. He appreciated this attitude. "Thanks," he said, and stood up then followed Leo out.

Sighing, Jannette looked at Zach. "Aaron will never change."

"Who said we need him to change?" Zach smiled as he stared at the door, trying to catch a last glimpse of the boys. He focused on Jannette again. "Isn't this mindset the reason he doesn't like you, Jannette? The last thing you wanna do is pressure the kid. Give him time. He's just in a bad mood today."

Teenage Troubles (Prequel for Teenage Baby)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum