Chapter 25 | The captors

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Chapter 25 | The captors

Lou was never the same after the entire drug crisis ordeal. In school, no one would notice that the rebel Luciano Alain, who still hung onto disrespect and mischief to keep his ego surviving, had helplessly and begrudgingly succumbed to his brother's wife. And everyone thought Dom was the only one Lou'd ever listen to.

He sat on the couch, food in his lap and eyes on the TV. His life had become a boring routine. Dom and Cara wouldn't allow him to do anything after they'd fixed him—a term he wasn't quite fond of. No parties, no going out. Always under their scrutiny, always restricted by their commands.

So Cara's ideal hierarchy had been finally established.

Cara and Dominic had gone to the orphanage to decide on adopting. Cara had been a bit too worryingly passionate about it, or at least the idea of a baby. Only Lou realized it. Dom didn't seem to acknowledge her obsession.

Lou was in the middle of popping a popcorn in his mouth when the front door swung in and bickering foreran Dom and Cara inside.

"I said I didn't feel it, Dom. I need a connection. I want to feel that he's my baby."

Cara passed by the living room and continued upstairs without paying Lou the slightest attention. Lou heard Dom say, "Alright. I don't think we're ever gonna adopt if we're gonna depend on you finally finding a connection."

Up the stairs, Cara's voice was distant. "I know my baby when I see him. I'll know my baby."

This had been the past week's most induced conversation. All the time, Cara was either dreamily describing how she'd feel towards her special baby, or nagging about how she couldn't find one in the orphanage.

Lou didn't intervene. He'd been actively avoiding speaking to Cara, mostly because he felt inferior to her and to Dom. He'd messed up. He'd messed up real hard and without them, he'd have ended up in his grave at fifteen.

Dom sighed as he stepped into the living room and quickly plopped down beside Lou, leaning back. He eyed the popcorn.

Lou gave him a side look then clutched the bowl closer to him. "Don't think about it. It's mine."

"Never asked for it." Dominic laughed halfheartedly. "She's a problem," he murmured after a quick pause. "Literally the third time we go to the orphanage and she still doesn't feel it towards any kid there."

Silence enveloped them. Lou didn't look at Dom as he mumbled, "It's concerning that she's kinda obsessed with baby." He absently held a popcorn between two fingers and cracked it. "She's calling literally every kid she finds in that orphanage baby. Like, that's not normal? Kids aren't babies."

"I mean, it's our baby. We'll call our baby, baby. Obviously."

Lou stared at Dom. So now Cara was rubbing off on him. Great. He sighed and said, "You need holy water, Dom."

Dom opened his mouth but Cara was already walking in, lips curved into a smile specifically meant to provoke Lou. "What're you saying, Lou? Do you have a problem with me taking my time to find my baby?"

Lou busied himself with eating. "No. I just feel like you're—"

"Shh." Cara passed behind the couch, swatting Lou on the back of the head as she did. "You don't have the right to interfere. It's our business. Our baby. Not yours. Remember I'm married to Dom, not you."

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