'Indeed,' she replied with a grin. 'My friend has invited us to a party tonight.'

'Not another frat party at that shitty house we always go to, Pen,' I sighed.

'Not a frat party,' she said, holding up a finger. 'Just a regular boring old house party.'

'Oh, interesting,' I said with a smile.

'So, you're game?' she asked me. 'So I can let Georgie know?'

'I'm game!' I exclaimed with an excited grin.

A party was just what I needed so that I could get wasted and forget about the whole shitty week I'd just had.


After a day of browsing the mall and buying outfits for the party, we returned to our dorm where we got showered and dressed up for the night. I had bought a pair of very tight, black, vinyl wet-look leggings that were high-waisted and complimented my figure along with a simple white cropped vest.

Penny had decided to go with a a baggy off-shoulder sweater dress with ankle boots and we both caked on a load of makeup to go with it. When I looked in the mirror, I was certainly a little more overdressed than I usually would be but I was reminding myself that I just wanted to feel pretty and have a good night.

'Wow, you both look amazing!' Georgie cried as he came in the door with a bottle of gin in his hand.

'Are you already drunk?' I asked with a giggle.

'Of course!' he said with a smirk.

'Okay, well, that's me ready,' Penny said as she hung her bag over her shoulder.

'Then let's go,' I said, grabbing my clutch and the three of us headed out the door.

We hailed a cab and Penny directed the driver to the house which had my jaw dropping as we pulled outside of the driveway. It was a huge place that was like an actual mansion and the large metal gates that guarded the property were wide open as if welcoming anybody in to the party. The music was loud enough to be heard as soon as we stepped out of the cab and the three of us quickly headed inside where we found Penny's friends in the kitchen.

Georgie and I proceeded to do shots and I threw them back without worrying about the state I would soon be. I knew Georgie would end up just as wasted as me and it made me feel better and more eager to do it. It was a risk. I knew I could end up having the time of my life, dancing on the kitchen counter or be a crying mess in the garden thinking about Cal. It was a risk I was willing to take, otherwise, I'd be sat here like a boring bitch watching everyone else have fun.

Once I felt the little buzz of the alcohol inside of me, I danced around the kitchen with Georgie to the music while Penny talked with her friends and I was laughing and smiling and really enjoying myself. It was something I'd certainly needed all week.

'Cigarette time!' Georgie yelled into my ear and the pair of us gripped hands and headed out.

I signalled to Penny that we'd be back and she nodded, returning to her friends as Georgie and I moved through the huge house until we found a door that led out back. Drunk teens were laid across the lawn wasted, other were playing drinking games or sitting in their groups laughing and chatting loudly.

Georgie pulled out a cigarette and handed me one before lighting up his own and reaching over to light mine up too.

'Man, what a fucking amazing house,' I said as I puffed on mine.

'How the other half lives,' Georgie chuckled.

'How did we even end up here?' I asked with a giggle. 'We don't even know whose party this is.'

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