Chapter Two: Bomb's Away

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Sapphire's POV

"Is everyone's earpieces working?" I heard Aurora ask from my earpiece.

"Yep," I confirmed.

"Mine's working just fine," Camille answered.

"Mine too," Mason said from my left.

Aurora and Camille were on the building's roof one block from us. And me and Mason were on the base's rooftop.

"Alright," I opened up the vent and set it down on the ground, "Let's go," I gestured for Mason to go in first.

"Wait!" Camille yelled out from her earpiece.

Mason's eyes widened and put his hand on his right ear. "Jesus woman, do you need to yell that loud?"

"Ugh, shut up Mason," she retorted.

Then all of a sudden we heard a thud right behind us, right by the stairs. Me and Mason turned around at the same time, seeing a guy's body on the ground.

"Oh shit. thanks Cami," Mason said. Camille must've shot him with the tranquilizer bullet.

Mason walked over to the guy, since he was on his stomach, Mason flipped him over. He grabbed for the man's walkie talkie.

"What're you doing?" I whisper yelled at him.

"I want his walkie talkie." He replied, putting his hands on the guys leg and putting him in a more discreet spot. When he was done, he made his way over to me.

I roll my eyes. "Can we get back to the mission now?"

"Yes m'am." He did a mock salute.

He climbed down the vent, I followed after. Closing the vent before going down.

"Alright Vanilla-Blast and Sparrow, remember the directions you need to take to the computer room," we heard Aurora say.

Mason started snickering at me, "Vanilla-Blast,"

"Shut the hell up before I let Camille really cut your tongue off," I sneered at him.

He stopped laughing, "I will keep my mouth shut,"

"That's a great idea," I replied.

If I remember correctly, and I always remember correctly. We need to take two lefts, one right, one left, two rights and then we would be on top of the computer room.

"Follow my lead Sparrow," I told him.

We moved swiftly across the vents. And then we were directly above the computer room.

I removed the vent top gently, trying to not make much noise. Looking down, I scoped out the room, no one seemed to be in there.

I jumped down, landing swiftly on my feet. Mason following my lead.

"Watch the door," I ordered, walking over to one of the main computers. I took out the hard drive from my pocket and plugging it in to the computer.

"Alright," Aurora said, "I'm in their computer systems, now lets find where the hell this bomb is at."

"Fuck," I heard Mason say behind me.

"Mason, what's wrong," Camille's voice popped up.

"There's guards. It's four of them. They don't seem to have any weapons on them. But they look like they're on steroids," He said.

"Sapphire, you can take the hard drive out. I copied the information we need, and wiped out any traces that would lead them to us," Aurora spoke.

I grabbed the hard drive from the computer, then went to where the vent was. Mason was about to lift me up so I could reach the vent but we were stopped by Aurora's voice.

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