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I walked down the halls beside Aaron as Travis led the way. Katelyn was still by his side and you could see them glancing at each other every once in awhile. Expect he was staring at her face.

We entered through the front doors of the same building we had been in yesterday. Going through security again once we were done they two in front of us stopped and turned around.

"Ms. Firefist and I have a few things to finish discussing you may go and show her around more if you'd like." He said giving a small smile.

"Sure we will see you later then." Aaron said grabbing my arm lightly.

I gave Katelyn a small smile and we made our way.

Once they were finally out of site Aaron began to move a bit quicker.

"The cameras..." I mumbled out lowly for only him to hear.

"Don't worry about them." He grumbled.



The screen flickered showing the pair run through the hall. But nobody could see a single thing. They couldn't see the screen or the room in general. Both guards had laid on the floor covered in their own blood.


We had made our way to a large looking door as Aaron began to enter numbers into a keypad.

The door flew open and he looked over at me.

"Ill leave the rest to you. The code should be 8262 if you need to use another door. When the ships ready wait for me. No matter what stay in that room got it?"

I nodded my head and he bent down to my level. I tilted my head to the side confused as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. My face heated up and he backed away.

"Ill see you soon."

I nodded my head and turned my attention to the doors. Walking inside they closed behind me. The room was full of buttons and flickering lights. It was certainly a large control room. But the strange part was there was no one inside. I began to walk around my hands traced over the buttons as I went. Finding the main part of the control room wasnt hard as it was just a giant door separate to the rest. Once again it also had a keypad. I stopped in front of the door remembering the code he had gave me.

As I was about to enter it in I froze. Something wasn't right here.

I moved a little closer to the door and inside I could hear voices.

I backed away from the door as they began to get closer. I looked around the room for somewhere to hide. My heart was racing fast as the voices got even louder. I decided the best option was to hide under a control panel. Hurrying over I ducked down only have a little crack to look out and see the door.

Two people walked out of the room but I couldn't see who they were. I could only see their legs.

I put a hand over my mouth to control my breathing and a shiver ran down my spine as they began to speak.

"So when did he say we'd start?"

"He said today sometime once he was done with his girl." One of then said snorting a bit.

"Didnt he say to keep an eye on the control room though?"

"Oh please whos gonna sneak in here. We have cameras plus they need to know the code." One of them said laughing.

"Maybe we should just stay around just in case..." The other said nervously.

"I guess you're right. Lets wait a bit and if no one comes go get some food."

I watched as they walked over to a few chairs and sat down. One began spinning on a chair while the other kept their gaze on the door.

I had to get into the main control area. I had to do it soon as well. Had no idea when Aaron would be ready and if it was soon id be fucked. I moved out from under a bit still keeping low to the floor. I crawled over to the end of the control panel and peaked out. They were still on the other side and too close to the door. There had to be something I could do to get them distracte-

Before I could finish my thought a small idea popped into my head. I didnt know what this room did in the slightest but maybe. I put one of my hands on top of the control panel and began touching and pushing a bunch of random buttons. Things began to pop up all over the room and they both got up frantically.

"Shit we gotta fix this before he finds out!"

Stuff began to appear on the screens like writing and even a target lock screen. The light were flashing and in their panicked state I watched as they ran over to the other side of the room.

Quickly getting up I ran over to type in the code.

Aarmau AU ♡Hack My Heart♡Where stories live. Discover now