"Did forensics find anything else, Kirk?"

Kirk taps a few keys. Their report comes up on his computer screen. "The fingerprints on the gun belong to Jeff and the ones on the spent bullet is Tony's."

"Jerry, bring Tony back up here."

"Yes, boss." He jumps to his feet.

"Kirk, grab a few officers and pick up Barry and Jeremy. Be sure to get the tape this time. "

"Copy that, sir."


Hearing a commotion on the front lawn, Barry grabs his rifle and darts outside. Seeing what's going on, he squeezes off a round. "Get the hell off my property before I put a bullet in your ass," he barks. Barry feels a hard object press against his head. He then hears a click of a gun.

"Drop your weapon," a deep, gritty voice orders.

Barry sees squad cars pull into the drive as he lowers his weapon. He glances over at Jeremy who's bleeding on the cold, wet ground. I hope they hurry.

Discovering the commotion, the officers spring from their cars, guns in hand.

"Berryville PD, hands where I can see them, do it now."

The gang throws their hands in the air.

"You on the porch drop your weapon. Do it now."

The man darts inside.

"I've got him, detective." The rookie sprints across the lawn.

Barry hears a loud bang and then a thud. He turns to find the bloody gunman beside him.

"He had a little run-in with your floor." the officer explains as he shoves his suspect across the porch.

"Hate when that happens." Barry chuckles.

"Let's get the rest of these low-life's loaded up. Let's go, let's go," Kirk orders.

Barry walks over to Kirk. "I'm so glad you guys showed up when you did. We'd probably be dead if you hadn't."

"You and Jeremy are coming too."

"Why us?"

"Joe wants to ask you a few questions about last night. Says he wants to see your security footage too. "

"Barry," Jeremy frighteningly mutters.

"Tell them the truth son and you'll be alright."


Jeff glances around the cold, bleak interrogation room. His home away from home his dad likes to call it. He claims Jeff is there more than his house. He then recalls what his probation officer said. "I might be doing tome upstate." Happy memories play in his mind. "I'll never have those times again." A tear trickles down his cheek, he wipes it away. His thoughts are interrupted when Joe storms in the room.

"So, we meet again."

"I... I didn't do anything wrong. I swear."

"Like you swore all the times before?" Plopping down in the chair, Joe opens the vanilla folder. He then turns the camera on.

"It's different this time, I've really cleaned up my act."

"Driving on a suspended, that doesn't sound like you're cleaning up your act to me."

"I did that but I...I didn't do what you guys claim."

"If you didn't do it then how did Tony end up in your trunk and why does the gun that killed Paul have your prints all over it?"

"I...I don't know."

Joe slams his hands on the table. Jeff jumps back. "Come on, fess up. We know you did it. Paul's blood is all over your clothes." He plops a picture on the table. "You can't say they aren't yours because they have your DNA all over them."

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