November 6, 2019

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November 6, 2019
7:06 pm

Dear Soorchand,

Do you see me? When I am sleeping in the night? Naked and liberated.
Do you see how excited I am to dream of those that men my age don't understand? Do you see me smiling in my sleep? Talking to myself peacefully.

I love myself then.

Do you see me? Talking to people during the day? Fully clothed and posture conscious. Do I smile? Do you see me holding my breath? Why does the air feel so made up and heavy? They're nice, I'm sure. Their niceness is my obligation.
Do you see me? Did I do well today?

Take me. Take me far, where only that what really matters, matters.
Then I will be naked during day.

Yours longingly,


Yours longingly, FlowerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat