Chapter 4--Training

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Chapter 4-- Training

First thing in the morning I was woken up by Seeder. "Get ready, clothes are on top of your dresser. Breakfast is in ten minutes."

Hauling myself out of the soft and warm bed, I rubbed my eyes trying to get myself to wake up. On the dresser there was a t-shirt that had eleven written on the sleeve. There was a pair of black pants to go with it as well.

After getting changed I slowly walked out to breakfast. I took my sweet time getting there since I knew after that, we would be taken to the training area where we would learn how to kill each other. I don't think I could ever kill someone.

"There you are, Rue! We thought you may have gotten lost!" Chaff exclaimed while he pulled me into a seat.

Slowly, I shoveled a small bit of breakfast onto my plate; I wasn't really in the mood for eating.

"C'mon, Rue, you need to eat." Seeder said in a quiet, kind tone.

Shoveling a little bit more food onto my plate, I began to eat.

As soon as everyone finished we made our way from the eleventh floor to the training floor. Upon exiting the elevator, I saw we were in a large room with different stations in various places in the room.

"Everyone quiet down. Now, there will be four mandatory exercises, after that you are free to do what you like. I would suggest visiting the survival skills station," A tall, slightly normal looking woman said from the front of the room.

The woman split us into four groups then sent us to the stations. My group was sent to the station that teaches you what plants are edible, poisonous, and medicinal.

'This is going to be easy,' I thought.

I stood at the back of the line while the District Two boy tried to identify the plants. As I watched the boy, I smirked. He would have died if he were in the arena right now. He just said that every plant was edible or medicinal. 

By the time it was my turn, Thresh was the only one who had successfully identified all of the plants.

Stepping up to the machine, the lady running the station hit start and plants started to appear. My hand immediately flicked to poisonous and then the next picture came up.

All the pictures were a blur and my hands seemed to be moving of their own accord.

Upon finishing the exercise, I looked at the groups shocked face. The lady that ran the station then spoke in a clear, high-pitched voice, "You just made a record young lady. You completed the exercise in under two minutes!"

A look of shock crossed my face. I turned back to my group to see the District One boy glaring at me. I made a mental note to watch out for him in the arena.

We went through the rest of the exercises and I tried to lie low. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself.

When it was time for free training, I hid in the shadows by the knot tying station. I saw the District Twelve girl and boy tying knots.

"Katniss, it looks like you have a shadow," the boy said pointing in my direction. Before Katniss could turn around I hid in the shadows again. Katniss turned around and didn't seem to see me.

"Peeta, what are you talking about?"

"She was there a minute ago. It was the District Eleven girl, Rue, I think her name was."

I tip-toed away from Peeta and Katniss and over to the knife throwing area. The female District Two girl was throwing knives and with every throw, it hit its target. I had to remember to avoid her in the arena.

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