Beautiful Chaos

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"Look deeper through the telescope and do not be afraid when the stars collide towards the darkness, because sometimes the most beautiful things begin in chaos." ― Robert M. Drake,

As Willow

Weeks are going by so fast. My wedding is only 10 days away now and I'm getting super scared and nervous at the same time. I'm expecting Milo to do something and he promises me that I am not going to be married to anyone but him. I am back at the manor today without Adrian and I can finally breathe. My dad and the twins already moved in a week ago and so did Amelia. I run to look for Amelia as soon as I walk in and give her a kiss "My child... you just never change." I hug her "Why would I want to change anything. I wish I am still the little girl so I don't have to be married." She strokes my face with her fingers so gently "My child... You have to be happy. If you are not happy marrying Adrian, don't." I know I'm tearing up again and I hold her hand that's stroking my cheek... kissing it "Mom... I wish things are that easy." I don't want her to know what is going on because I don't want her to worry. I don't want anyone to worry about me, especially my parents. She lets out a deep sigh "My child... things will work out at the end. They always do... Keep the faith." I smile "I hope so mom... I hope so."

I feel so much better after I talk to Amelia and of course, being back at the manor helps too. I go to the twins' room and they are sleeping. I watch them for some time and they both start smiling in their sleep. I think to myself 'how cute... they are twins. Maybe they are dreaming of their mommy... an angel watching them from above.' Thinking about Liz I shed a tear and I wipe it away fast "What is my baby girl doing here staring at the boys." I turn around and walk to my dad hugging him "Daddy..." He rubs the middle of my back up and down, I feel so safe and loved "You okay baby girl?" I hold back my tears "Yes daddy... I'm just so happy to be home and with the twins here. You know me, I'm just a sentimental fool." He chuckles "You probably got that from me." I start giggling as I stand back looking at him "You know what daddy? You are sentimental but not a fool. My dad is the wisest and most handsome man in this universe." He stares at me and I'm so afraid he can look into my soul and see dark shadows luring "Willow... you know you are a Grayson... nobody... and I mean nobody can do my baby girl wrong. If they do... that will be the end of him... or her." I swallow hard to hold back from crying "Daddy... I know. Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt me." At this moment I wanted to tell my dad so bad what Adrian has done. That Adrian was the reason why the twins didn't get to meet their mom. I wanted to tell him how malicious Adrian really was but I couldn't "C'mon daddy... I want to drink some of your finest whiskey." His face lights up "You know even the cheapest whiskey tastes like the finest when I have my daughter drinking with me."

As we are drinking in his home office... oh yes back in his home office my mom walks in "Who do we have here..." She walks to me and I hug her "Mommy... want to have drinks with us?" She always smells so good. All these years she is still using the same perfume which I love "Of course I do..." I go and pour my mom a glass and hand it to her "Mommy... how do you always keep looking so young? I wish I will look as good as you when I am your age." She takes a sip of her whiskey "Oh darling... believe me, you will look even better than me when you are my age. You are gorgeous and even though you are 27, you look not a day over 21." I laugh "For that, I'm going to down my glass of whiskey." I am so happy right now... I have both parents here and we are like a real family again. I go pour us another round and I take out a cigar from the box for my dad handing it to him "Here daddy... what is whiskey without cigar right?" He smiles "You are my daughter after all." My mom looks at us "You know there's a saying I think by the ancient Chinese, daughters were lovers from their dads' previous life." I look at my dad adoringly "I wouldn't mind having a lover as handsome as my dad." My dad's face turns a shade of red "Stop this..." My mom notices how red his face turns "Don't tell me the high and mighty Sheldon Grayson cannot take a compliment from his beloved daughter." He downs his whiskey "You two mother and daughter are trouble." The three of us start laughing. I am so loving this... loving this moment and I never want it to end.

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