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"What if everything you are going through, is preparing you for what you are asking for." Unknown

As Willow

As soon as Liz opens the door, I can feel my heart squeezing tight. My chest hurts "Hi Liz is Milo here?" She looks rather nervous "Of course not. He is not here." I look at Adrian and he is holding my hand the whole time "Then can we come in?" I am not sure what to think at this point because what is the text all about? I must find out.  She backs away from the door "Come on in." I walk in and I look around. It seems like she is really alone at the hotel. She asks calmly "What brought you here Willow?" I sit down on the sofa "I don't know either. I am hoping you can tell me." She looks at me "I don't know what to tell you.  I just check in to this hotel because I don't feel like going home. You know my mom is in the hospital." I nod "Yea I know." I got off the sofa,  walked around the room and I was trying to look for any clues of Milo being here.  I found nothing. Adrian asked to use the bathroom.  I am sure he is also trying to figure out if there is someone else around. He knows about Liz and Milo. I told him everything even before tonight. Like I said, Adrian could easily be my best friend. I tell him everything because I am that comfortable around him. I am also confident that he won't tell my parents anything. Finally when Adrian comes out "Let's leave Willow. We should let Liz get some rest." I got up from the sofa "Alright Liz.  Sorry to bother you." I am still very puzzled right now.

As we are inside the elevator, I turn to Adrian "I don't get it. Who sent me that text and for what? Obviously it has to be something." Adrian looks at me and hold both of my shoulders "Okay... Stay calm G. Does Liz smoke?" I look at him "What? I don't know. I don't think so." He takes something out from his pocket, it's a cigarette butt "That's what Milo smokes." The elevator opens and we walk out.  At this point I am still confused. Maybe Liz took up smoking? But Milo told me Liz is so health conscious and her mom has cancer. Why would she take up smoking.  I told Adrian to hold me while we waited for a taxi.

As Milo

It was a coincidence that I went out to get Liz and I more drinks and water. I was almost to my room when I saw Willow and Adrian standing outside the room talking to Liz.  I of course went back downstairs right away and waited until I saw them leaving. I even saw Adrian holding her while they waited for a taxi. I cannot believe it.  Why were they here? How did they know we were here.

As I am back in my room now Liz tells me everything.  She thinks Willow knows. I can always deny it because I wasn't in the room after all. I decide to hold off and call her tomorrow. Is she going to spend the night with Adrian? They seem so close. I can see the way he holds her is more than just a friend. Liz comes over and sits on my lap "You okay? I mean I didn't tell Willow anything." I smile at her "I know. I am not worried.  I will talk to her tomorrow." She got off me "You want to come to bed?" I am actually not in the mood anymore "No you go ahead. I am going to smoke out in the balcony." I pick up the ashtray and the cigarette butt I left earlier was gone "Hey did you clean the ashtray" She shakes her head "No... Why?" I know Willow knows exactly the brand of cigarette I smoke "Nothing... Go to sleep." If Willow took the cigarette butt she would for sure ask me. I just have to come up with an answer. I can always say Liz took up smoking.  But she knows Liz is very into healthy living.  I will just tell her Liz has been very stressed with her mom being ill, that is why she is smoking to lessen the stress.

The Next Day

As Willow

I didn't sleep the whole night.  I told Adrian I would be okay by myself.  I need to be alone. He said to call him if I need him. I stayed up the whole night thinking about Milo. Thinking about Liz. Thinking about the cigarette butt. Should I call Milo? It's only 7 am. Why is it so stressful to be with him? I thought being with someone should be a happy thing. I mean being with him is already hard enough as it is. I was ready to give up everything just to be with him.  Even if it means I have to hurt my father. But now I have to rethink everything. I don't trust Milo anymore.  Just like he doesn't trust me. I will wait for him to call me then I will tell him maybe it's time we call it quits. I am so tired of everything. My heart aches as I think about this.  Milo has been the only one for me all these years. I cannot imagine how life would be without him.

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