November 6th 2014

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"Losing the person you love is probably the hardest thing to ever happen to anyone. Whether it be your husband, boyfriend, child, family member or just a friend. So imagine how hard it is and times it by 2, and that's what I'm going through. I'm only 15 days into this hell and feel like someday I could just curl up and sleep and never wake up - but I can't. I may have lost Beau but I still have a part of him growing inside me. I may have lost Parker but I still have his DNA in my veins." We all stood on the side of the cliff, Willow reading the eulogies for Parker and Beau. "I never expected that on my wedding day - that I would loose everything." She looked up at the sky. "Beau - I - I really miss you tonight. I miss our traditions. I miss hugging you and getting your familiar smell on my shirt. You would've been a great husband." Her voice cracked and a tear rolled into her cheeks. "And you would've been a great father. Whoever this baby is I'm going to make sure it's daddy loved them before he died. Even if he didn't know they existed. They are going to know you died a hero. You died loving me. You died with me loving you. I will always love you Beau. Always. I would've rathered you just break up with me - cause then at night when I'm missing your touch I could just call you just to listen to your voice. I remember what your voice sounds like - but for how much longer? I really don't want to loose that. The memories. You were my person. I don't understand why you had to leave me alone. By myself. " She wipes under her eyes with shaky hands. "And Parker. I don't know what to do. You were my brother. That's all I can say." She crumbles up the piece of paper and throws in over the cliff. We stand silently, all our heads bowed. I feel a tear travelling down my nose, until I see it drop to the ground. Grey sees and puts his arm around me, pulling me into his arms. I snuggle into his chest, listening to his beating heart. His lungs filling with air then releasing and realise I would've never healed if he had died. Never. Like Willow said he is my person. And I will never let him out of my sight again.

"Want to go back inside?" Lincoln asked.

"I want to be alone." She said we nodded and turned but she grabbed my hand. "Alone with Alex." Grey smiled at me, letting me out of his grasp to go to Willow.

"How are you?" I asked. She pulled me to the ground to sit.

"Empty." she sighed. "I feel like my world has been destroyed and there's nothing I can do about it."

"You still have your baby." I smiled weakly.

"And that baby doesn't have a father. Doesn't have an Uncle. All it has is me and what if I fail with it? I can't avoid it being my fault. The wedding was..."

"Don't say that. You will never fail with this baby. And you're not alone. You have Aunty Alex." I say pulling her into a hug. "Don't say that." she begins to stand. I get up to and watch to see her face.

"You're right. This baby is going to have a great life." She said trying to convince herself. She turned and walked away. I stayed outside looking around. A Lurker is about 30m away, by itself, moaning loudly. I began to realise, that this is my life now. You loose people and you just have to deal with it. You will keep loosing people everyday. I don't know how long for, 1 year, 5 years, a decade. But in order to live we have to live in the moment. So that's what I'm going to do. Live in this moment with my loved ones close by - treasuring every bit of them. I mean, what else am I going to do?


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