August 6th 2014

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I am awoken by the sound of banging - and know something bad is happening. I sit up at the same time as Willow and Beau. We all exchange glances, eyes widened and alarmed.

"How could they have heard us?" Willow whispered.

"They couldn't have." Beau said standing. I got up off the couch and so did Willow. "How much ammo do we have?" he asked.

"A little, the rest is at base camp." Willow said.

"How much do you have?" Beau asked me handing my rifle.

"Exactly 2 bullets." I said embarrassed. Willow walked to the front door, and looked through the peephole.

"We will need to run. We don't have enough bullets." She says.

"How many are there?" I asked.

"20... to 30 maybe. We have enough altogether but we will need to hit every time. And I don't know what she's like with a gun." Willow said. We all looked around, I am now able to see the blood stains on the wall in the daylight, and realise I still haven't asked them about that.

"And we would just attract more." Beau said making Willow nod. "Let's go back door, and we can jump people fences and end up in a different street."

"Sounds good." Willow said pushing though and going into the kitchen. The back door has a small window on it, which is covered with a curtain. Willow slide it across and looks out, giving us a thumbs up saying its all clear. Before we go out Beau hands Willow an automatic rifle and loads his. Willow looks at me and reaches behind her, pulling out her small handgun. "Look, you only have two bullets left, and I don't really want to see you get bit, so take this, I know it's not much, but it still spits out bullets and does the job. We have ammo for a sniper rifle at base so; don't worry about using your last 2." She says handing me the gun. I smile at her as Beau opens the door. He goes out first, swinging his gun around, then signals us to go out.

We creep out and follow him. Once he get stops at the fence we turn our backs, making sure nothing is hiding. Willow signals me to go next, her defending me as I go over. I wait and watch as Willow gracefully swings herself over the fence, and we all start to move through the next yard. Beau freezes - making us freeze too, looking around for what he sees. About 10 seconds later a single Walker steps out from behind the house, dragging its leg behind itself. Willow raised her gun but Beau put his hand up.

"Too much noise, it will attract them." he whispered. Willow nodded and lowered her gun. Beau lowered his hand and pulled out a small pocket knife and unfolded the large razor. He walked calmly towards the Walker, stabbing it directly in the head. I closed my eyes; shocked that I just saw that. I'm still not over that stabbing people or shooting people isn't considered as illegal or murder anymore. We begin to move forward more and around the house. We exit out the front of the house, closing the gate behind us. When we were finally safe Beau began to get angry - and I don't know why.

"Beau -" Willow began but she was silenced by him.

"They set us up again!" he yelled.

"Keep your voice down! I know they did but you need to calm down." Willow said grabbing his gun off him. I stood silently watching - wondering what they were talking about.

"What did we do to them?" Beau said.

"You know exactly what. Look, Beau - they will keep doing it until we reach base. They want us dead and we will be soon unless we increase in numbers." Willow breathed.

"Who are we talking about?" I butted in. Willow looked at me - remembering I was there.

"Beau's old pals. He ditched them for us." Willow said not going into detail.

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