August 20th 2014

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"Hey." Willow said walking into my room. Everyone had let me have it to myself. "How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm having one of those days where I regret everything I've ever done." I say staring at my blanket. I have been sitting on my bed in the same position staring at the same blanket for close to an hour now.

"And why is that?" she asked.

"Because I know I'll never see Grey again," I sigh, "And the last thing I said to him was horrible."

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I said," I began to feel emotional, "I said, the thought of being with him made me feel sick." I added. I could feel my eyes becoming watery and I knew I was going to cry. I haven't cried since the night we left, and that was about Grey hurting me. Now I want to cry because of the opposite. I hurt Grey. And the fact that he hasn't returned means he's dead. And I wish the last thing I said to him was not the words that came out of my mouth.

"Greys a big boy, he would've known you didn't mean it."

"But at the time I did mean it. We were constantly fighting, about nothing. It's just now - now that I've gone without him for so long I know that I needed him in my life. His slight half smile in the morning, the brushing back of his hair when he's frustrated. All those factors just make me miss him more and more each day." I say still looking at the blanket.

"I'm sure he knew." She said sitting down next to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I let my eyes close and drop a tear on my cheek, melting into Willow while she hugged me. "It will be okay."

"I just wish he knew how much he meant to me." I sobbed.

"He did."

"I want him to know now. I want him here. Alive. Breathing." I said shaking her off and standing. She looked up at me from the bed. "I have to go find him." I said wiping under my eyes.

"Don't be stupid." She said.

"Stupid? If it was Beau in that position you'd be out there quick smart -"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She interrupted.

"Yes you do. You can Beau are together. Just admit it." I said. She bit her lip and stood up, folding her arms across her chest. "You are together?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Since a week ago." She said looking down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"You were in the middle of a fight with Grey - I didn't want to make you jealous." She said, her eyes meeting mine.

"I'd never be jealous of my best friends happiness." I said walking around the side of the bed and hugging her. "Now that's out of the way, let's go find Grey." I said.

"Actually, the boys talked about it and agreed to all go looking for him together." Willow said smiling slightly.


"Whenever you had a breakdown and forced them to." She said laughing. I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Well let's call this a breakdown then." I said leading her out of the room.

Virus - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now