Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Name: [REDACTED] "Ember" [READCTED] (Daniel Cohen)

Age: [Redacted]

H/c: [Redacted]

E/c: Red (Its is unknown how his eyes became this colour, He won't share it to anybody. All we know is the Iris used to be Brown, Now its Red)

Hight: 6ft2



Psychological Report



R4-C – Acog, Extended barrel, Vertical Grip, Silencer

Scorpion – Reflex, Extended Barrel, Vertical Grip, Silencer

RG15 – Red dot, Extended clip, Silencer

Frag Grenade, Stun Grenade.

(Armour is basically Emile's helmet from halo reach with ODST armour. He wears a trench coat over his armour with a jacket on underneath for the hood to cover the helmet.)


His ability is strange, as it doesn't link with his operator name. He has a robotic Dog, this seems to be his creation. It is capable of biting through steel, setting people on fire and stunning people with a taser. Although this is a strange Ability, the Dog has never actually used anything but the Taser on us. This Dog is capable of extremely fluid movements, and being able to camouflage, turning invisible or looking like a normal dog. It can speak and think for itself as well. Is it experimental? I don't know, I can't find anything to do with this Dog, which could mean he built himself. The dog itself also has a grapple attachment to climb building fast, So does Ember.

In Conclusion, Attempt to recruit, but do not kill.

Bio (Of Daniel Cohen)

Name: Daniel Cohen

Age: 39 - 12th of January 1983

H/c: Black

E/c: Brown

Height: -6ft

Condition: KIA – Was killed outside of the army after being assassinated.

(Ember PoV)

After another successful raid on a stronghold, I managed to free some Hostages and collect my information, whilst also Deleting all security footage and saving Rainbows arse, again. I am chilling inside of my base, Charging Delta, she chose that name herself. I was eating and she cuddled up next to me and started "Sleeping", she basically goes into standby mode. Its quite cute. I should hack into rainbows servers, see who I'm saving and what white mask information they have. It will help me a lot.

(Six PoV, 10 mins later)

"Can Operator Dokkaebi and Reaper come to my office." I Sighed after letting my finger of the Intercom, about 5 minutes later they arrived. "Good evening you two, sorry for interrupting anything but I need you two to do something." I said, "Can you please increase the security of our servers." I said as I turned my screen to show the message that's appeared on it. "Jesus Six, I thought you would have better security than this, it took me 10 mins to break. I'm borrowing some white mask information, I hope you can forgive me. -Ember"

They both looked shocked. "It took my program 1 hour to break it and got noticed instantly." Grace said. "And I got noticed instantly and got locked out." Elena said. "Yet this is Ember, I know he's no threat to us but if he can break in, others probably can too. So please try to ensure its harder for him next time." I said, they both nodded and instantly left.

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