Sebastian tensed at the coldness of Adrien’s hands. So the boy hadn’t noticed yet, that. . . . .was not a good thing. He cleared his throat. “Um. . . . .Adrien. . .do you feel any different?”

The redhead pulled away and looked at him weirdly. By the gods, Sebastian had never seen such eyes. Adrien’s ocean blue eyes were now mixed with violet undertones that blended so beautifully that it was nearly intoxicating to look at.

“What do you mean?” Adrien asked, “I feel—Ow!” A sharp prick touched his bottom lip. His hand covered his mouth as his tongue felt around, and where his canines had once been fangs now took place and they were starting to slide out. Adrien’s eyes went wide as his gaze was fixed upon the white sheets that covered him. The skin tone of his hands were a lighter than they should’ve been, almost like a snow-white pigment but it was more of a light Caucasian; flawless, smooth as cream.

Oh no. . . .was his nightmare coming true?

“Se-Sebastian. . .did you. . .? You turned me?”

The vampire quickly sat on the bed and pulled the redhead into his embrace, smoothing his back gently for comfort. “I’m so sorry.”

Adrien pulled away and slid out of bed, “Why!? I. . . I didn’t want. . .” his breath started to quicken. His hand went up to his chest then up to the pulse in his neck; no heartbeat.

Sebastian pulled himinto his embrace. “Adrien, I know this isn’t what you wanted and I would understand if. . . . .you want to reject this life.”

He looked up. “Wha—what are you saying? You. . . .You’re actually suggested suicide?” He stepped back. “NO! After all the times you told me not to. . . .you’re actually suggesting it now?!”

“Adrien,” Sebastian said calmly, “I’m not suggesting suicide. I’ve told you that’s not the answer and only brings pain to others.” He shook his head, “What I mean is I’ll understand if you don’t want to feed but let me warn you: drinking blood is the only way you’re going to survive now, if you reject doing so you’ll eventually slip into a coma due to the starvation.”

Adrien wrung his hands as his body started to tremble. Blood. Just by hearing that word, a deep hunger surfaced. It growled at him like an angry beast, its teeth digging into his brain: feed feed feed!

“You feel it, don’t you?” The billionaire asked. “That unsatisfied hunger that no matter how much you feed, you’ll always be hungry and never satisfied.”

A small whimper left Adrien’s lips. The fresh smell of blood was fresh and somewhere nearby. A small blot of red stuck out in the corner of his eye and he turned.

And his mouth watered.

A blood bag with an IV drip, no doubt meant to have helped his body resupply its blood amount last night, hung on the wheel rack near the bed. The lushes red was like a siren’s call, brilliant red and thick, its scent that of light crisp citrus. The world around suddenly became in a hazy and the only focal point was that bag of blood. 

Adrien’s mouth continued to water and his eyes started hungrily, his fangs slid out and the hunger in the back of his mind screamed at him to take it.

A hand suddenly placed itself upon his chest and gently pulled him away. Adrien blinked, now realizing how close he was to that blood bag. Sebastian pulled him back, turning him around, and pulled him into his arms. “Easy there Adrien.”

The redhead’s body trembled with agony: feed feed feed! “Why. . . .did you do this to me?” He asked gripping the vampire’s shirt. “Why did you do this to me?!”

Prince Among Mortals (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now