WtW 14

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Chapter Fourteen

"Good morning." Annette said as Becky came into the house.
"Morning Ma." Becky said hugging her.
"Where are the girls and Seth?" Annette asked.
"They had a secret errand to run." Becky said.
"I see." Annette said.
"Yes, I asked him to drop me off while they did that so we can talk." Becky said.
"Is something wrong?" Annette asked as they down in the living room.
"No." Becky said. "I know a lot is changing for you and I wanted to make sure you are okay."
"Darling I am fine." Annette said. "I am very happy for you and the girls."
"Thank you." Becky said. "But ma, this is going to be a big change."
"It is." Annette said. "But darling this change is for the best, you being in that coma was so hard on everyone. I have seen your fight to come back, to be their ma. I want you to be that ma. Raising you and Richy was my dream come true. Seeing you raise your daughters is that dream continuing."
"I love being their ma." Becky said. "But I worry that us leaving so soon is going to be hard on you."
"It will be hard." Annette said. "I have spent four years raising those girls, but honestly darling I am so happy that you're well enough to raise them and that you get to do it with Seth. That man has been an amazing man for you and them."
"He is amazing." Becky said. 
"He is, it was like he was made to be their da." Annette said. "Seeing the bonds he's formed with them is amazing. Each is different and unique and they are all so happy."
"I agree." Becky said. "I knew from the beginning my life was going to be with him, he just made me feel whole."
"He still does." Annette said. "For years the girls were happy, but seeing them with Seth I can see they weren't whole, they were missing something, we'll someone and that was Seth. They are finally whole."
"He says we make him whole." Becky said.
"It's true love." Annette said.
"It is." Becky said. "When I learned all these years had passed I felt so broken."
"I know." Annette said.
"I asked him about our time apart." Becky said. "I knew there was other women and a part of me wondered if it would change how I felt about him."
"Did it?" Annette asked.
"No." Becky said smiling. "He explained it to me in a way that made since for the situation. I cannot blame him for moving on, it's natural."
"It is." Annette said. "I see how he watches you, I have no doubt in my mind he loves you. You two with those girls are going to have an amazing life."
"We are." Becky said.

"Hey sis." Rich said coming in.
"Hi." Becky said hugging him. "You ready to leave Sunday?"
"I am." Rich said.
"I want to thank you for doing this, I know picking up and leaving is a lot of work." Becky said.
"I am happy to do it." Rich said. "It will put everyone's mind at ease not that, that any need to be put at eased. Seth loves you and those girls."
"He does." Becky said. "But I am glad you'll be with us, it will help the girls make the transition."
"I would do anything for them and you." Rich said. "Speaking of girls, where are they?"
"They are with their da doing some secret errand." Becky said.
"Awe." Rich said.
"So do you know how long you'll be in Orlando with them?" Annette asked.
"I am not sure." Rich said. "Until I am sent home."
"Knowing Lily and Willow they may never let you go." Annette said.
"They will, they know Rich's life is here." Becky said. "You're coming with us to help, but you have a life to return to."
"I am happy to help." Rich said. "I am hoping to do some exploring while I am there to, let the sights and culture influence my art."
"We'll see you have plenty of time to explore." Becky said.

"Mummy, mummy." The girls called running in.
"Hello my loves." Becky said.
"Hello." Seth said coming in with a bag.
"Did you complete your errands?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Seth said.
"We took pictures." Lily said.
"And fingerprints." Willow said.
"Huh?" Becky asked.
"Since I am their father they qualify for duel citizenship." Seth said. "Hunter helped me fast track the paperwork so we had to do passport photos and fingerprints."
"Awe." Becky said.
"What does duel citizenship mean?" Willow asked.
"It means you belong to two countries." Becky said. "Ireland and America."
"Oh." Willow said.
"What's in the bag?" Becky asked.
"Three things." Seth said handing her the bag.
Becky pulled out the three boxes and looked up at him.
"The girls and I were talking on our way and this idea came to me." Seth said. "With these IPads they can stay in contact with your ma and da here, but they can use them for learning too."
"We picked gold for Gran gran." Lily said.
"For me?" Annette asked.
"Yes, I figured we could charge them today and tomorrow I could help set them up so you can use yours and the girls theirs." Seth said.
"I got purple." Willow said.
"I got pink." Lily said.
"I think it's a great idea." Becky said.
Rich helped him plug them all in to charge.
"That was very nice if you to get them." Annette said.
"I was happy to and you'll find you can do all kind of things on it." Seth said. "But the most important is to connect with there girls."
"It is." Annette said.

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