WtW 13

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Chapter Thirteen

"Becky?" Seth called sitting up in bed after waking and not finding her next to him.
"I'm here." Becky said from the couch.
"You're up early." Seth said getting up and walking over to her. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything is good." She said cupping his face as he knelt beside her. "I was just awake."
"I see." He said. "How are you feeling?"
"Happy very happy." She said smiling. "You?"
"I am very happy too." He said.
"You should be Mr. Rollins." Becky said.
"Do you wanna go get breakfast?" Seth asked.
"I am not really hungry." Becky sakd. "But I would love to go to the gym, do some of my exercise."
"Okay." He said.
After they changed that walked down to the gym. Seth watched as she did her warm ups and and the things she could do. He did some of his own thing but made sure to help her where she needed it.
"You look good with all you can do." Seth said as they drank some water.
"Thanks" Becky said. "I am getting better, I just can't wait for the day where I am back crushing you."
"I am sure it will be in no time at all." Seth said.
"Okay, I am sweaty and tired." Becky said.
"Let's get cleaned up and then we'll go get breakfast." Seth said.
"Pancakes." Becky said.
"If you want them they yes." Seth said.
After going back up to the room they showered and changed.

"Before we go, I want to talk to you." Seth said.
"Okay." Becky said. "Is something wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong." Seth said. "But word is going to get out about the little birdy on your finger and I want to get a jump on it."
"You want to post about our engagement?" Becky asked.
"Yes, but I thought maybe after we eat we could pick up the girls and go do some photos and then post before going to get luggage." Seth said.
"Okay." Becky said. "Where are you thinking of doing photos?"
"I have a team on stand by to arrange things and they'll have clothes and a set ready." Seth said.
"You think of everything Mr. Rollins." Becky said.
"I try, so let's feed you." Seth said.
"Yes." Becky said smiling.

Seth took Becky to the cafe where he took the girls the first time he took them out to breakfast.
"Two orders of pancakes." The waitress said setting their plates down.
"Thank you." Becky said.
"You're beautiful when you smile." Seth said.
"You make me smile." Becky said.
They dug into their food and enjoyed being together.

"Daddy, daddy." Both girls called as he came into the living room and saw them dripping wet.
"What's going on?" Seth asked grabbing one of the towels Annette had and wrapping it around Willow while she did Lily.
"They just had a bath." Annette said. "Had a bit of a messy morning thanks to a busted pipe in the yard."
"We got muddy." Willow said.
"So muddy." Lily said.
"I see." Seth said. "Well let's get dressed because I need to snag you two for a couple hours."
"Okay." Annette said and together they got them dressed.
"We're going to do a photo shoot to announce our engagement so they will get their hair done there." Seth said slipping the combed locks into a sloppy buns.
"That works." Annette said.

Seth got the girls into the car and buckled.
"Hi mummy." Willow said.
"Hello, what happened?" She asked.
"A pipe burst in the yard and these two went mudding." Seth said getting in and buckling.
"I see." Becky said. "Did you have fun?"
"Yes." Both girls said.

When they arrived at the photo studio Seth brought them inside.
"Morning." Seth said.
"Mr. Rollins." A man said. "Ryan Jones."
"Yes, please Seth, this is Becky and out daughters Willow and Lily." Seth said.
"Hello." He said.
They got everyone into hair and Becky did make up letting the girls wear some gloss to make them smile. The girls picked out purple dresses and Becky went with a white romper pant outfit and Seth choose jeans and a white tee. They did many shots in different poses and the girls did some by themselves. Becky and Seth also did several together.

"I like this one." Becky said pointing to the one of Seth down in his knee holding Becky hand out with the girls both looking at the ring in her hand smiling.
"Okay." Seth said.
He made the post up and showed her.
"One word forever changes my world. She said 'Yes'." Becky read.
"Do you like?" He asked.
"It's beautiful." Becky said and Seth posted it letting it take on a life of it's own.
After saying bye and gathering their clothes they headed to find luggage.
"Look it's a mermaid." Lily said.
"And a unicorn." Willow said.
"I think we found luggage they like." Becky said.
"And it will be easy to tell them apart." Seth said picking up the three piece luggage sets and placing them in the cart Becky was pushing. "Now Mrs. Rollins, you need some too."
"Anything works for me." Becky said.
They looked around a bit and Becky saw some black and yellow luggage and smiled.
"It has a kill bill vibe." Seth said.
"One of me favorite movies." Becky said and Seth put the luggage into the cart.
After paying for the luggage's they headed out to the car.
"Daddy what about my chocolates?" Willow asked.
"We're going to go get both of you chocolates now." Seth said. "Maybe we'll get mummy some too."
"Okay." Willow said.

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