WtW 8

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Chapter Eight

"Daddy you are late." Lily said.
"I am." Seth said. "I over slept."
"Why?" Willow asked.
"I was up late having a workout and just missed my alarm, I am sorry." Seth said.
"It's okay." Lily said.
"They helped me fold and put away their new clothes." Annette said.
"Very good." Seth said. "You two ready?"
They nodded and headed out.

"Mummy, mummy." The called rushing over and hugging her.
"Did we have a late morning?" Becky asked.
"Daddy over slept." Lily said.
"I see." Becky said smiling as Seth leaned down and kissed her.
"I needed a workout so I did a late night one and just over slept this morning." Seth said.
"Perfectly fine." Becky said. "Girls I got some new work books for you."
"Yay." Both said taking the books she held and going over to the table. Becky moved over as did Seth and helped them work through them. Willow knew her letters well and Lily had a thing for numbers and where Lily was still working in her letters Willow was learning to count.

Seth got them pizza again for working hard on the studies and then they went down for a nap.
"How are you feeling?" Seth asked.
"I am nervous but excited." Becky said. "I feel scared about the unknown that is to come but ready for the change."
"Just know we don't have to make any decisions right away." Seth said. "We can look at all the options and do what is best for everyone."
"I know." Becky said.
"No." Willow screamed and Seth rushed over to her.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked.
"I had a bad dream." Willow cried reaching for him.
Seth scooped her up and brought her over to where Becky was sitting.
"It's okay sweet girl, it was only a dream." Becky said rubbing her back while she clung to Seth.
After a little more tears she settled and fell asleep on Seth who was just content to hold her.
"Will?" Lily asked.
"She's over here." Becky said and Lily got up and walked over to her.
"Is sissy sick?" Lily asked as she climbed onto Becky's lap.
"She had a bad dream." Becky said and Lily curled up with her.
"Oh no." Lily said.
"Daddy made it better." Becky said.
"Daddy's do that." Lily said.
"They do." Seth said.
Lily feel asleep snuggled with Becky and both were content to hold them and be close.

"Hi." Annette said coming in and seeing the girls still asleep on them.
"Hey." Becky said.
"Everything okay?" Annette asked.
"Willow had a bad dream and feel asleep on Seth." Becky said. "And then Lily woke up because  she wasn't beside her and she fell asleep here."
"Just enjoying the time with them." Seth said as both girls began to stir.
"Daddy." Willow said smiling.
"Hi sweet girl." Seth said. "You feel better?"
"Yes." Willow said shaking her head. "No more bad dream, daddy made it go away."
"That's good." Becky said.
"Sissy okay?" Lily asked.
Willow nodded and Lily hugged her.
"Hi gran gran." Willow said.
"Hello my darlings." Annette said.
"What's going on?" Lily asked as the others came in.
"Well Uncle Josh is going to take you two with grandma, grandpa and Uncle Brandon down to the park so we can talk to mummy's doctors." Seth said.
"Park, yay." Both said happily.
After they left Dr. Jones and two other men came in.
"Seth this is Dr. Towers he is my PT and Dr. Cole covers my mental health." Becky said.
"Nice to meet both of you." Seth said shaking their hands.
"You as well." Dr. Cole said. "Your arrival has help Becky find clarity."
"As well as a drive to really push herself." Dr. Towers said. "She's made a lot of progress in the last week alone."
"She's ready to live again." Seth said.
"More then ready." Becky said.
They got into the details after that and how the progress she was making was excellent and how she could step up her treatments and the clinic in Orlando would be her best shot.
"Is that the best clinic?" Becky asked.
"Out of the six that we looked into yes." Dr. Jones said. "I know Florida is a ways away, but the facility is outstanding and instead of living there they feel you'll make better progress living at home, bringing a normalcy to your life."
"Wow." Becky said.
"There are no closer clinics?" Ken asked.
"There are and they are good, but with all the aspects Becky needs this clinic in Orlando offers her the best." Dr. Jones said.
"Becky's recovery is not only physical but mental as well." Dr. Cole said. "They have some of the worlds best on hand to help. She's gotten better with the memory recall, but as she retrains her body she has to retrain her brain as well. I highly recommend this clinic for how advanced they are with how they do things."
"Well then it sounds like Orlando is the place she needs to be." Annette said. "We've always wanted the best care for her."
"Becky?" Dr. Jones said. "They do have an opening that can be yours in two weeks."
"When do they need to know?" Becky asked.
"As soon as possible." Dr. Jones said.
"If you say this is the best place for me, then I'll do it." Becky said. "I need to be me again, to be a mum to my daughters."
"Very good." Dr. Cole said.
"The PT is also state of the art, you also get to set your pace and adjust it as need be, like we've done here. You might find some things easier and some harder." Dr. Towers said.
"Okay." Becky said.
"Then I will call the doctors there and we'll get the admission process started." Dr. Jones said.
"Thank you." Becky said and the doctors left the room.

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