WtW 9

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(As promised for voting and commenting Chapter Nine. Enjoy and vote and comment as always.)

Chapter Nine

"Sorry to call you but she's freaking out." Annette said letting Seth into the house.
"Daddy." Willow cried and Seth rushed to her and scooped her up.
"Shhh, daddy's here." Seth said rubbing her back. "Did you have a bad dream?"
Willow nodded and Seth walked around a bit rubbing her back and calming her down.
"I know a lot has happened this week for you." Seth said. "But you're going to be okay."
"I just want you." Willow sniffled.
"I'm here." Seth said. "Daddy's here."
He got her shaking cries to stop by humming to her. He then felt two little arms wrap around his leg and looked down to see Lily looking up at him worriedly. He bent down and scooped her up and held both of them walking the floors and humming to them until both were asleep holding his shirt tightly.
At some point he sat down on the couch with them watching them sleep until he fell asleep himself.

"Morning." Annette said when Seth came into the kitchen around five am.
"Morning." Seth yawned.
"Are they still asleep?" Annette asked.
"Yes." Seth said as she handed him a mug of coffee. "Thanks."
"You look like you need it." Annette said. "I've never seen her like that."
"She's trying to process a mountain." Seth said. "Change is hard."
"It is." Annette said.
"Daddy?" Willow rushing into the room looking panicked.
"I'm here baby." Seth said picking her up when she came over. "Are you feeling better?"
She shook her head no and Seth hugged her to him.
"I'm sorry baby." He said. "Can you tell me about your dreams?"
She shook her head no.
"Can I guess?" Seth asked. "Are they about me?"
"Yes." Willow said.
"In the dreams am I going away?" Seth asked.
"Yes." Willow said tears forming in her eyes. "I don't want you to go daddy."
"Oh baby daddy isn't going to leave you." Seth said. "You, Lily and mummy are my heart."
"In my dreams you always disappear." Willow said. "Like we're playing at the park and then you just aren't there and mummy is not there either."
"That seems very scary." Seth said. "I know a lot has change lately. But mummy is getting stronger and healthier. She has some more recovering to do but she isn't going anywhere."
"And you?" Willow asked.
"Well daddy just learned about you and Lily and I haven't stopped thinking about you two for a single minute. You two have captured my heart like your mummy. Going away from you isn't an option because you are my girls." Seth said.
Willow hugged Seth wrapping her body around his chest and she fell back asleep holding his shirt tightly.
"I hate she is going through this." Seth said. "Seeing her freaked out and scared."
"I do as well." Annette said. "Last night scared me. All she wanted was you. It shows how much she's come to love you."
"When you called I literally ran out of the hotel, probably freaked some people out." Seth said.
"Your daughter needed you." Annette said.
"I new physically she was okay, but the fact that you called after mindnight freaked me out. I didn't expect to find her in the state she was in." Seth said. "But I am glad you called me."
"Me too." Annette said. "She only wanted her daddy."
His phone buzzed and he saw Josh's text about his family wanting to go sight seeing today so he was going to take them around and give Seth time with the girls.

"Are you hungry?" Annette asked when Willow woke up a couple hours later still curled around Seth.
"No thank you." Willow said.
"Maybe later." Annette said.
"I am?" Lily said coming in.
"Well how about a waffle?" Annette asked.
"Okay." Lily said. "Morning daddy."
"Hello my sweet girl." Seth said helping her into the chair next to him.
"Is sissy okay?" Lily asked.
"I think sissy is just trying to process everything and she just needs some extra hugs and loves." Seth said,
"I have plenty of those." Lily said hugging her.
Willow smiled and hugged her sister back.
"Can I have one?" Willow asked when Annette set Lily's waffle with berries on it down.
"Of course you can." Annette said dishing her up one.
Both girls ate and Seth had one himself. After that they got dressed for the day and headed over to see Becky.
"What's wrong?" Becky asked as Seth lean down and kissed her softly before sitting down.
"Willow had a rough night." Seth said. "Your mom called me before one, when I got there she was freaking out."
"Poor girl." Becky said.
"She needs extra hugs and love." Lily said.
"We all do at times." Becky said. "I think someone just needs her daddy."
Willow nodded and after a bit she moved to the floor and played with her toys.
"How are you?" Becky asked.
"I hate seeing her like that." Seth said. "It breaks my heart to think of her worried or in pain."
"I know what you mean." Becky said. "It's why I am fighting so hard to get back so I can be the mum they need."
Seth nodded and kissed the side of her head.
"I ended up sleeping on the couch with both girls." He said.
"They love their daddy." Becky said.
Seth nodded and they spent the morning just watching the girls play. After lunch both girls went down for a nap but ended up cuddled with Becky and Seth to nap and both were okay just to have the moment.

"Let's go to the park." Becky said after they woke up. "Fresh air will be good for us all."
"Yay." Both girls cheered.
Seth smiled and helped her get ready and they headed out. They stopped and grabbed coffee in the way into the park.
"I needed that." Seth said drinking his energy drink.
"Are you okay about last night?" Becky asked.
"It's the worry she's going through that scars me." Seth said. "Her world has changed so much in the last week."
"I think she's a lot like me, her mind is always racing with what if's and what do I do. In you I found a comfort that mellows those thoughts and worries. I think she get's that too." Becky said. "Plus she really wanted to meet you and I think like all girls everywhere she feel in love with you. You are her daddy her hero."
"I just want to take the worry away so she can sleep." Seth said.
"In time you will." Becky said. "She has been through a lot lately and we have more change coming so she'll need you a bit more, but once we're settled in Florida she'll get a new calm and routine and you'll see her going back to the carefree little girl she is."
Seth nodded as they watched the girls play.
"Where is your family?" Becky asked.
"They are doing some sight seeing today." Seth said. "It's their first time to Ireland so Josh offered to take them exploring."
"That was nice if him." Becky said.
"That reminds me." Seth said pulling out his phone. "This will be our home for as long as we need it."
Becky took the phone and looked through the house.
"It looks amazing." Becky said. "It's open with natural light."
"The guy who owns it took it off the market so we could use it, but I told him if you fall in love with the place I would buy it." Seth said.
"Wow." Becky said.
"Property is always a good investment and having a place to call home while away from home is good." Seth said. "NXT is also down the road so if need be others can crash there until they find a place."
"They could." Becky said. "It's beautiful."
"Yes, there are five bedrooms, a pool, a gym and the kitchen is amazing." Seth said.
"I can't wait to cook my own food again." Becky said.
"I miss your muffins." Seth said.
"Me too." Becky said smiling.
"It's all one level so no stairs to worry about, the pool is gated and alarmed." Seth said. "And there is plenty of room to run around and play."
"What's this?" Willow asked coming over with Lily.
"This is going to be our home in Orlando." Becky said showing the girls around the house.
"A pool?" Willow said.
"Yes." Seth said. "Orlando is hot."
"Cool." Both said.
"Where is our room?" Lily asked.
"Well I was thinking, there are these two room right here." Seth said.
"We aren't going to share?" Lily asked.
"You can still have your own space and share because this wall here opens." Seth said showing them.
"Wow." Both said.
"So we can do Unicorns for Willow and mermaids for Lily." Becky said.
"Yay." Both cheered.
"So do you like this?" Seth asked.
"Is there a slide?" Willow asked.
"There is." Seth said showing them the play structure. "Plus the pool has a slide and a waterfall."
"Wow." Both girls said.
"Cool thing is the clinic where mummy is going to get help is only twenty minutes away and the NXT PC is as well." Seth said. "Plus there is a really good school for you two for next fall when it's time to start school."
Both girls seemed happy with it and Becky did as well.
"I think we found a winner." Becky said as the girls played on the play set.
"I do too." Seth said. "I was thinking maybe you'd like to do dinner at that Italian place we ordered from for the whole family."
"Yes please." Becky said happily.
"I love making you smile like that." Seth said.
"I love you." Becky said.
"And I you." Seth said leaning over and kissing her until the girls giggling broke them apart.
"Who here wants Italian for dinner?" Seth asked.
"Me." Becky said.
"Us too." The girls said.
"Good because daddy is taking you three to dinner." Seth said and they all smiled.
They made it to the Italian place and went in and ordered dinner and enjoyed the outing before going back to the clinic. Willow seemed to start clinging to Seth again so he held her and reassured her she was going to be okay.

"How was today?" Annette asked when Seth arrived with the girls.
"Sissy is scared still." Lily said.
"She's been a bit of a cling on today." Seth said. "Which I don't mind."
"I want to stay with daddy." Willow said.
"I figured so I made up a bag for you so you could take them back to your hotel and get some sleep tonight." Annette said.
"Sleep over at daddy's." Lily asked.
"Yes." Annette said. "They need this and I think you do too."
"Thanks." Seth said taking the bag. "I should get them back and to sleep."
Both girls hugged Annette and Seth loaded them back into the car and headed to the hotel. Once they were in pajamas they settled on his bed both snuggled into his sides and all three feel asleep.

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