My heart rate picked up slightly at hearing this. None of us have ever seen this mysterious donor who has been donating thousands to us for the past few months. All I knew was it was a woman. I suddenly remembered the beautiful girl in the back alley who warned me not to take those donations and I shook my head. 

It was not my place to refuse them in the first place.

"She's here tonight?" I asked him.

"Yes, and not just that. She's buying over the bar," Mr Jensen replied.

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise and he nodded his head. 

"She's had her eye on us ever since our business picked up. She apparently paid our previous boss handsomely for this place. Apparently she's some business tycoon, has thriving businesses all over the city. We might do better under her," He says. "So you'd better do well tonight. You're going to be singing for your future boss."

"What does she look like? Have you met her?" I asked him curiously. 

"No, I haven't. Not many people have though. But I've heard stories about her beauty. The few who have say her beauty is unmatched," He replied dreamily. 

Once the time had come, I stepped out onto that all too familiar stage feeling more nervous than usual. 

I sang my opening number all the while scanning the crowd but as the night flew by I had yet to identify the supposedly beautiful woman who had bought over Immortals. I had been distracted by a crowd of rowdy men dancing by the bar but when I looked back at the crowd before me I spotted a group sitting inconspicuously at the corner of the bar next to the built in decorative piano. 

I was shocked when I saw Kayla watching me sing as she sipped on one of her cocktails looking bored but i was even more shocked when I saw another Kayla sitting next to her. 

They looked identical however one had her hair tied up and wore an annoyed expression on her face looking like she'd rather be anywhere else than here while the other twin had her hair flowing down her back in golden waves and her head bobbed to the melody of my song. 

Although both were identical, I couldn't stop staring at the one enjoying my performance. She was shaking her shoulders and moving her hands in the air whilst her long hair moved like a melody with her movements. 

I sang my last song and the crowd began to thin as people left the bar. Women came to the front to give me tokens of their appreciation but the beautiful pair of twins and their male companions never left. 

Before I could get up and leave Mr Jensen came to the bottom of the stage and whispered for me to sing a few more songs just for them. It was only then did I realize that the twins had to be the donors who had bought over the bar. 

The group shifted to the table right in front and once I could see them clearly I realized that Kayla was the twin with her tied up and a frown on her face. The only thing that set the sisters apart were the color of their eyes. While Kayla had bluish green eyes, her sister had the most unique pair of eyes I had ever seen. 

As she stared at me up close with a possessive gaze I noticed that her right eye was violet and her left eye was lighter, like lavender. 

The men who accompanied them were equally unique looking. They didn't look like the locals here and there was something refined about the way they tied their hair back and the clothes they wore. The group looked extremely wealthy. 

The men chatted with each other as they enjoyed my performance and Kayla stared at her drink most of the night but her sister stole all my attention as I performed. 

She stood up and danced to the tune of the piano and saxophone. Her delicate hands swayed in the air as she twirled around and danced by herself, oblivious to everyone around her. From the corner of my eye I could see Ali and the other bartenders, including Mr Jensen all watching her in fascination. 

Once she was done she nodded to Mr Jensen and he signaled for me to stop. She turned to speak to her companions and I glanced at Kayla who was looking at me worriedly. 

I quickly left the stage and walked to my dressing room to pack up and leave. As I was packing I heard a soft knock on the door and a delicate voice asking for permission to come in. 

"Yes," I answered and my heart beat furiously in my chest as I saw the twin with the unique pair of eyes walk in. 

"Good evening. Or should I saw morning," She joked in a voice so smooth it made me somewhat entranced. 

"Hello," I answered lamely and cursed myself inwardly.

She leaned against my dressing room table and stared at me with those mesmerizing eyes of hers. 

"I have enjoyed your performances every week. I must say you are very talented," She stared at my face and then her gaze shifted to my neck.  

"Thank you," I responded nervously. I didn't know how to act around someone so extraordinary. 

"No, thank you Zayn," She extended her gloved hand out to me and I shook it hesitantly. "My name is Lavender and I am the new owner of this bar. If it's not too much trouble I would like you to perform at my residence next week for an event of mine."

My brain felt foggy as I she held my hand and stared into my eyes. I found myself nodding my head absentmindedly. 

Her face lit up at my answer and she smiled widely. "So, that's a yes then. Don't worry I will arrange for your transport to my place and back unless you'd like to stay." She winked at me playfully and then she walked to the door."It's a good opportunity for you, Zayn. Our organization is highly influential and we are always looking for new potential."

"Organization?" I wondered out loud and she smiled. 

"Yes, like a company. And once you're in, everything you've ever wanted and all the riches in the world could be yours," Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. 

  I looked at her and smiled unknowingly as excitement brewed in the pit of my stomach. After my gambling incident, all the riches in the world sounded like a dream come true.

Can anybody guess what organization she's talking about?   Anyway if you liked what you read please vote and comment your thoughts below. Goodnight guys!

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ