Chapter 9

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We laid in bed with the bed sheet on us and Shannon had his strong arms surrounding me resting his head on mine. I felt in pain, but I felt good at the same time. At that moment I felt everything is perfect, I got the right person for me we are meant to be for each other, but at the same time I felt like I am still in a dream.

Are you ok darling?

I raised my eyes looking at him nodding while smiling.

Thank you Shannon! He then came closer and kissed me.

How about you take the day off tomorrow Nara? Since after tomorrow is the weekend and I really want to spend a lot of time with you before I leave back on tour.

Ok I will, I want to spend every single second with you.

We were about to fall asleep.



I love you!

I love you too. He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I opened my eyes, I was laying on my back I turned my head to the left to see a couch in front of me next to the wall, I was confused that couch wasn’t there; a person was sitting on it. I saw that person before, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was Rayon closing her eyes with tears and red nose. I started calling her, but I couldn’t hear my voice, so I tried to get out of bed to reach her, but it is as if something is holding me down. I was trying so hard to break free, but I couldn’t all I can feel is a force on me. So, I decided to close my eyes again, and try again to fight that force, that is when I broke free and my voice got out soo loud.

Rayyyoonnn! I screamed and got myself of my pillow with all the power I had. Shannon jumped from his place and turned to wrap his arms around me.

It is ok Nara I am here, shhh. I tried to fight him since I was terrified and screaming then I recognized his voice and hugged him so tight burying my face in his chest, and tears fell from my eyes.

Shhhh babe it is ok you’re safe. He kept saying while caressing my hair, and rubbing my back softly. Until I calmed down and felt safe in his arms. I looked on the left again releasing Shannon from my tight hug. The couch and Rayon were gone. I then looked back at Shannon speechless; Shannon grabbed my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs, while I closed my eyes feeling his soft hands on my face.

Are you ok baby, would you like to talk about it now? He asked with a soft voice.

I took a deep breath and started to tell him what happened.

It is ok baby, it is just a nightmare, I am here and I will never let anyone hurt you. He came closer and kissed my lips gently. I got back on my pillow and he did the same, hugging me and caressing my back until I fell asleep.

The next day, I called my office to tell them that I can’t come today. Shannon wasn’t next to me, but I saw a paper on the small table next to me. I opened it and read: “Good Morning beautiful, I am sorry had to get up early since Jared decided to throw a party tonight, so we had to go get stuff for it. You look so gorgeous while you’re asleep. I didn’t want to wake you up with a text since I know you are a light sleeper, so I hope this puts a smile on you pretty face this morning. I Love you so much.” A huge smile was on my face the whole time I was reading his amazing words. I directly grabbed my phone and called him. He answered quickly.

Good morning Beautiful!

Good morning Shannon, thank you so much baby.

That is the least I could do to you gorgeous.

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