Chapter 8

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When we reached the house door, I couldn't not invite him to come in.

Come in!

You got a really comfy house.

Thank you haha.

He sat on my kitchen counter chair. I got juice from the fridge and poured some for him.

Sorry I don't have beer.

A cup of juice is great.

We chatted a bit and then he had to leave since it was getting late. We reached the door and he kissed him.

Good night love!

Good night!

I closed the door and though I really would love it if he would stay tonight with me and we cuddle. I wore my sleeveless PJ with shots. I then heard a knock on the door, I was shocked who would it be at night? I opened the door and Shannon pushed me inside closing the door pinning my hands to the wall above my head kissing me taking my breath away. He then pulled away and looked deep in my eyes.

I want you Nara. He whispered while breathing heavily. I was so scared I wasn't ready for this, even though I had a fantasy about it with him, but when I came for reality I couldn't I was terrified.

Shannon... I am sorry I can't do this. I said looking down.

I understand sweetie and I respect all your desires. Pulling himself away raising my face from my chin making me look at him.

I love you and that is what matters honey. He then kissed me softly; I smiled and was happy from his response. He was going to go out of the door.

Shannon wait! Shannon turned to face me.

May you please cuddle with me tonight? He smiled coming to me and wrapping his arms around me. We went to my bed and got into the sheets I laid my head on his chest while he wrapped his huge arms around me. I then looking at him.

I love you Shannon. Then I kissed him. We both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up on him kissing me on my forehead, I smiled before opening my eyes. I felt safe that night the way I was in his arms and how he was holding me tight made me feel I am protected.

Good morning beautiful!

Good morning! I then went to the bathroom and did the same routine I do every day taking a shower first, Shannon knocked on my bathroom door.


May I use the bathroom I really need it?

I giggled. Yes come in.

I was about to finish shower and I thought Shannon went out of the bathroom, so I opened the curtains, but Shannon was still there.

Shit... Shannon! I said grabbing the curtains to cover myself up.

Oh my god I am so sorry. He said looking away. My face turned red like a tomato, he went outside quickly, and I then grabbed a towel and placed it around my body. I finished wearing and went to the kitchen were Shannon was fixing himself some coffee. I looked at him smirking.

Well to be honest you got a hot body.

Haha thanks!

We went out and he dropped me to work, I kissed him telling him good bye and he told me what time he will be here for me. While I am at work Rayon called me.

Hey Nara!

Rayon hi I am really sorry I didn't call you these days, but I really have great news.

No sweetie it is ok, but what's up you made me excited?

He is Shannon. I said smiling wide

No way! Oh my god Nara I am soo happy for you!

Thank youuu, I can't believe it I feel like I am in a deam.

Hahahah well believe it. You are dating Shanimal himself. I giggled and drifted away with my fantasies about him while Rayon was talking.

Nara! You there?

I got nervous.

Ya... mmm what?

Hahaha I know where you went never mind, I will go now we talk later.

Ok hahaha Bye!


I finished work and Shannon came and picked me up.

Hello gorgeous! I kissed him on his cheek when I entered the car.

You look exhausted from work love.

Yup Shannon I am and starving too.

Hahaha, I will take you to Tomo's Kitchen.

Hahaha ok.

While we were in the car I suddenly stopped hearing everything around and started to hear a beeping sound like an ECG sound. I was confused what would that be? I tried to clear my ears but no use, I looked at Shannon his lips were moving but I couldn't hear what he was saying. It stayed for a minute but then everything went back to normal.

I can hear. I said murmuring to myself

Hey Nara you ok?

Yes yes I am fine. I smiled looking at him grabbing his hand. He then kissed my hand. I really didn't care that much about what happened with me, I just let it go. We arrived the guys greeted me and we enjoyed lunch. While we were done, we all sat in the living room.

Tomo and I will go we have some things to do; we will leave you two to have fun. Jared said winked at us. I blushed.

Jared and Tomo went.

Nara you know in less than Two weeks we will be going back on tour.

Yes I know. I signed

I will miss you Shannon so much. I looked in his eyes and kissed him, I really didn't have anything on mind except for wanting him, but the problem is I never tried it with anyone.


Yes love.

I wanna tell you something, but I don't really know how?

Tell me anything you want sweetheart I am listening.

I looked down then back at him taking a deep breath.

I want you, but to be honest I have never tried it with anyone and I am afraid.

Shannon came closer to me looking deep in my eyes.

Well I am a lucky man then to be your first, and I really would love to show you what making love is. He smiled. I couldn't resist but to trust him and surrender to him.

We started kissing; I wrapped my hands around him he did the same raising my legs around his waist walking upstairs. We didn't break our kiss, he reached his room and the placed me slowly on his bed. Breaking the kiss he looked at me.

Let me show you love.

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