Chapter 6

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I called Rayon.

Heyy Nara!

Rayon listen I need to tell you something.

Yes sure ,what’s up?

Ok so while I was talking to Adam I heard someone from his side saying (come on Shannon), then Adam got nervous and had to hang up. Is it really possible Rayon can he really be 

Shannon? They both have the same features. Plus he always wants to meet me  in dark places or dim places, I never saw him in the lights. His features are always not clear to me. I would really be soo happy but at the same time so mad because he lied to me.

Ok Nara, calm down, the only way you can know the truth is by asking him to go out with you in the morning for a coffee. If he said yes then it is not him for sure, but if he started to make excuses then you reached your goal.

Ok I will call him now.

Tell me what will happen with you?

Sure, thank you bye!

No problem bye!

I called Adam.

Hi Adam how are you?

I am great love how are you?

I am good, I wanna ask you how about we go for a cup of coffee tomorrow before work?

Oh… ya sure why not?

Well I was shocked from his answer, but maybe for real it is not him.

Ok then see you tomorrow.




I directly called rayon, I was happy but disappointed at the same time because if it was Shannon I would never believe it I would feel like I am in a dream.

Hey, ok tell me what happened?

Well , he said yes.

Then Nara it is not possible.

But Rayon why did I hear that?

Maybe he was in the street, and someone called a person who’s name is Shannon. Not everyone called Shannon is Shannon LETO, Nara.

Hahaha ya I know, but what about him getting nervous?

Maybe he wanted to do something for example cross the street or anything else, so he couldn’t concentrate with you. Everything is possible, so just stop thinking about it and go to sleep and relax.

Ya you’re right. Ok thank you so much Rayon.

No need sister. Good night.

Good night.

In the morning, I prepared myself and hid to star bucks were we are going to meet. I arrived there, and called Adam, but he didn’t answer. I called again and again no answer. Then a message came from him “Sorry Nara I can’t make it, I have an argent meeting from work and I should be there”. I got really mad and called Rayon.

Rayon he did come, I am so pissed off. I am sick of him lying to me.

Nara where are calm down I am coming.

I am in start bucks.

 I am near I’ll be there in two minutes.


Rayon came and saw me full of tears.

Oh honey. She came and hugged me.

Rayon I am sick of this I can’t take it anymore, why is he treating me like that. That proves that it is him Shannon.

Maybe he really got busy.

No Rayon I don’t believe him anymore, even him telling me I love you I bit is a lie.

How about you meet tonight, but for now just go to work because you are late.

 I need the truth this time.

You will get it I know you will.

I went to work, time passed slow since everything was annoying me and I couldn’t concentrate at work. While I was in my office, my phone rang it was Adam.

Yes what do you want?

I know you are mad that I did not come, and I am really sorry it is just…

Work? No I don’t think so Adam, if you’re name is Adam for real. I am sick of you being mysterious and lying to me.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean, you want to meet in places that I can’t really recognize who you are may you tell me why?

He didn’t reply.

As I thought you can’t answer this. Look I am not any girl whom you can play with her and her feelings. If you truly love me be honest to me.

I want to see you after work and this time I will come with all honesty and truth

Fine! Where?

Anywhere you want.


Cool see you there

Ok bye


Am really going to see Shannon him for real, or maybe not? I am really happy but nervous. I finished work and I hid to Chili’s. Adam called.


Hi Nara I am there where are you?

I am on my way five minutes and I will be there.

Ok I am waiting.


I arrived my heart started racing, and my hand were shacking a bit. I didn’t want to call him, I entered the restaurant. He called.

Hey Nara I see you, I am on the right table next to the window.

I looked and there he was wearing his sunglasses and a hat raising his hand, giving a sign for me to come. I hang up going to his direction.  Oh my god I can’t feel  my legs

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