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It wasn't long before the door aggressively opened with a loud thud that made me spin around so quick, I heard a muscle snap in my neck. "What the hell?"

The intruder had bright blue eyes, tan skin that almost looked golden and light brown hair. By all means, I tried to keep my composure when he flashed me a toothy grin. "Oh, I'm sorry, who are you?"

I blinked and folded my arms across my chest. "I could ask you the same thing. You can't just barge in like this. My roommate will be here soon. And I'm pretty sure-"

He laughed as he ran his hands through his long disheveled light brown hair. "This is my dorm-number two-hundred."

Now this stunned me as I unfolded my arms. "Oh my god," I muttered under my breath.

This had to be some sick joke, because I possibly couldn't be roommates with a guy. It would just complicate things and we would fight most of the time. Unless...

"Are you gay then?" I blurted out without thinking and I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop me talking. "I'm sorry-I didn't mean to... I just-"

He stared at me with those blue eyes and to my surprise, he smiled. "Nah, I'm not... Well, then, I guess we're roommates."

Before I could embarrass myself any further, the intercom attached above the wall went on. "Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way to the hall, the principle has some exciting news to share."

"This can't be happening," I said to myself, not realizing it was audible.

The tan boy piped up. "What can't be happening?" He took off his shirt and started bringing in the rest of his suitcases as he placed them on his bed.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from his structured abdomen. This was exactly why I couldn't be roommates with a guy. He took out a black shirt and slipped it through his head, messing it up in the process.

Shaking my head, I said, "roommates with a guy, with you, there must a mistake."

He laughed again, which was deep and raw that sent a unwanted shiver down my back. "No, no mistakes," he said as walked over to the door, but stopped right in his tracks and looked at me again. "I must warn you that you might not wanna walk naked around me, I get hard real fast."

And just like that, leaving me utterly and confusingly speechless as he slammed the door shut. My life wasn't going to be the same after my three years of University.

But instead of entertaining him, I scoffed and grabbed my iPhone from beside my nightstand as I made my way down to the hall. There were a lot of students here as I made my way through them to enter the crowded hall.

Just as I was about to walk further into the mass of people, a soft hand grabbed my upper arm, stopping me right in my tracks. "Hi there."


She had beautiful green eyes, olive skin and short black hair that stopped above her shoulders. "I'm Jasmine Dallas. I saw you walking here and I was wondering if we could share a seat?"

Her question stunned me because I never really had friends-in fact I didn't have friends and my high school experience was the worst. So this actually made her my first friend and I tried not to show my excitement. "Yeah... sure, I'm Lydia, by the way."

Jasmine grinned at showing me a row of perfect white teeth as she sat down on one of the chairs, dragging me along with me. She leaned sideways to my face. "So, I've heard your roommate is Ryan, and oh my god, he's so hot. Any girl would wanna be roommates with him, you're so lucky though."

I just shrugged. "I'd give him credit for being hot. But he's a complete dipshit."

She giggled. "A hot-dipshit." When she saw that I found nothing funny about she just said, she continued, "alright, he can be an ass. He come from the same high school, but he's really sweet. He's known for hump and dump, so don't fall for him."

"We could swap dorm rooms, if you want," I told her as I nudged her shoulder since she was so head-over-heels for this Ryan guy. "I don't mind."

"I would love that."

Just as I wanted to say something the principle taped the microphone with his hand catching the attention of everyone as the chatter died down. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Rosewood University. This University is one of the best in the world, and we get one hundred percent pass rate on all our students. We don't have failures, we have successful students reaching for their dreams. Now for the rules, we don't litter, I know this may seem, funny, but let me see you litter and your days here at Rosewood University are over."

The grumpy old man with salt and pepper hair, white beard was strict. Maybe if I could talk to him about my roommate. Jennifer warned me about the principal though, since she finished her masters degree in law.

"No cellphones during lecturing, unless you're given permission. Girls, no short skirts, and boys, no walking half naked. No switching dorm rooms with any student."

I looked at Jasmine and saw the disappointment in her face as she rolled her eyes. "It'll be fine," she tried to reassure me. "You wouldn't wanna be with Flynn anyway."

As much as I wanted to listen to her, my mind kept going back to my mother. After she finished her masters degree in law, she couldn't find a job and my father just lost his job, he decided to turn to drugs.

Jennifer wanted to kick him out, but he threatened her by telling her she'd lose me if she didn't help him sell drugs. So, reluctantly, my mother was forced to sell drugs and now because of my father, she had a bad record.

One night, the police came barging into our home and arrested both of my parents. Luckily, my mother got bail and now she's trying to get her life back together-with my father still locked up.

"Lydia?" Jasmine said snapping me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at her.

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

She tipped her head to her right. "The principle is talking to you."

Turning my head to the right, there the salt and pepper haired man stood with his folder in hand looking at me through my umber eyes. "I said I need great results from you, as your mother was in this University and gave the school a great image. I expect the same from you."

My mother was a great student? Well, I didn't know that. I blinked and nodded my head. "Yeah-I mean yes, I will try my best, and I'm sure I'll make you proud."

With a tip of a invincible hat, he walked away to talk to other students, probably giving them the same requirement he just gave me. Jasmine grabbed my hand as we egressed from the crowded hall and into the cool air.

As we walked to our dorm rooms, a rough hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around and I looked at those bright blue eyes.

"Wanna grab a cup of coffee?" he asked, as I stared at him with a confuse face. When he saw the look on my face, he smiled and added, "so we can get to know each other."

Jasmine nodded in approval and I rolled my eyes at her for throwing me under the bus. I made a mental note to kill her later.



ahhh! a coffee date, how cute! lemme know what you think in the comments or just hit the star button!

you're beautiful and that's a fact, so slay

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