Every day may not be a good day but there is good in every day

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Every day may not be a good day but there is good in every day

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Every day may not be a good day but there is good in every day

I really agree with this, I may not be having a good day, but something good came out of that day. I learned an important lesson, I got to relax or release something, a problem is solved, etc.

Even if someone gets hurt, I learn what happens when I do that, and what to do after that.

My dog for example, he has ptsd, and while we don't know how he got it, we do know what helps. Every time he has an attack, we do what works to try and calm him down, and we try a few new things to see if they help.

Right now, I know how to calm him down in 10 minutes, the first time it happened we stood there for an hour wondering what was going on.

So, like the quote says, even if you're having a sucky day, you'll get something out of it if you pay attention.

This amazing quote was said by Alice Morse Earle.

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