When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine!

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When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine!

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When you can't find the sunshine,
be the sunshine!

Depressing stuff over, IM THE SUNSHINE NOW!!

Sorry, I really like this quote, and I'm really hyper, those usually aren't the best combination for me.

When everything seems down, and you can't find hope, be the hope!

Be a bright, shining star, that blinds all of your enemies with happiness! Or blinds strangers with being hyper while your supposed to be professional. I don't care! I just like making people happy!

Ok, since I have nothing else to say about this quote, what do you all think about me making a book that tells all about @PositiveChain
I'd also answer any questions you have in there.

Unfortunately, I don't know who created this awesome quote.

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