No I definitely could not wait until then, I was a terrible gift giver and the excitement always forced me to tell people what the present actually was before they even opened it.

"So how long have you known Rae?"

The words were out of my mouth without me realising it. I cringed as I spoke and I could only hope Harry didn't think I sounded as pathetic as I did.

"Dunno, a few years." Harry shrugged and I nodded slowly. "What do you want for dinner?"

I blinked as I looked at the clock on his dashboard it was almost six o'clock, and to be fair I hadn't eaten since breakfast. In fact I realised, I hadn't even eaten breakfast I'd just had a cup of coffee.

"You seem close." I swallowed, "Don't mind, do you want me to cook?"

"I guess, we have a lot of mutual friends and we dated for a few years." Harry shrugged and I felt my heart drop.

Harry had dated Rae? I had no fucking chance with him then, she was literally one of the prettiest people I'd ever met, honestly? The nicest too.

"You like curry?" Harry asked and I blinked as I looked at him, my mind still trying to get over the fact Harry and Rae had dated.

"Uh yeah." I nodded as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly tapped out a message to Ollie.

"I know this really good Indian place, get take away if you want?" Harry offered and I looked over at him just as my phone buzzed and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I smiled, aware of Harry's lips twitching but he didn't smile back and I returned my attention to my phone. "Ollie wants your phone number."

I read out the message and laughed a little as his angry messages about Harry dating his sister came in.

"No." Harry snorted shaking his head, "You don't even have my number."

"You live at my house." I pointed out dryly as Harry drove and I thought about what I wanted for dinner, probably just my usual because I was a sucker for some butter prawns.

"Touché Poppy."


I shifted in the seat slightly, as nice as holding our dinner was, the plastic tubs inside the bag were actually really fucking hot and every so often it felt like my legs were being burnt. However I couldn't really complain considering it was only a fifteen minute wait once we'd ordered.

Which was fifteen minutes of reading Ollie's somewhat still angry messages about Harry and Rae, and me practically killing myself thinking about Harry and Rae.

I clearly was not his type.

But then again Rae and Chloe were complete opposites too and he still hooked up with both of them, or at least tried to with Chloe. And I didn't look like either of them, so maybe it didn't matter what someone looked like.

Maybe liked Harry liked girls for their personalities?

I shook my head in amusement, what a stupid thought.

Flashing lights caught my attention and I zeroed in on the wing mirror to find a police car behind us flashing. I swallowed as I looked at Harry who didn't seem like he knew what was going on behind us.

"Uh, Harry?" I started slowly, nerves creeping into my voice as he glanced at me before he nodded.

"I know." Harry said before he pulled in against the curb and rolled down his window making me shift in my seat, suddenly grateful my hands and arms were preoccupied with our dinner.

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