"Ray, you were very reckless yesterday, but you did some good, you won't have to worry about Randy anymore, he's going to Tartourus, the same place as All For One." Nezu says to me.

I nod. "That's great." I say to him, my mind elsewhere, thinking about the fight. "That's really great." I say with a genuine smile.

"Go back to the dorms and relax, after what we put you through, your deserve it." Nezu orders me.

I nod in thanks.

I leave the hospital and I look around in slight confusion.

The press surround me and I sweat drop.

"I'm not going to answer any questions right now, please excuse me, I'm not in the mood for that." I say to them with a weak smile.

"How did it feel to come face to face with Randy after so long?" A blondie asks me.

I push past them and I head back to the school, annoyed by this inconvience called a shot wound.

I head towards my dorm house when Peter hugs me.

"You did it!" Peter says to me.

I look at him surprised. "Uh, yeah, uh, I did." I say to him.

Peter steps back and grins. "You must feel relieved that its finally over." Peter says to me.

I nod. "I am, I really am, I can actually sleep without having to worry about Randy escaping again." I say to Peter with a smile.

"I would never have the courage to do what you did, I'm not strong enough for that." Peter says as he starts to walk me towards my dorm house.

"I did it, because if I didn't, everyone would die. I couldn't just let that happen." I say to him as I stare at the ground.

Peter ruffles my hair. "Mom and Dad called, they're so proud of what you did." Peter says to me.

I smile and we get to my dorm house.

"Ah right. I was on my way to class, good luck with that injury." Peter says to me.

"Thanks Peter." I say to him with a smile and Peter smirks and nods and goes to the school.

I head inside and I see everyone in my class waiting in the common area.

Kiri is the first one to see me. "RAY!" He yells excitedly.

I don't see Katsuki as everyone rushes over to me.

Izu hugs me and I can't really do anything unless I want to fall.

I put my chin on his shoulder in comfort as he cries in relief. "I should be crying, dummy." I say to Izu who laughs.

"Ray, weren't you scared of him?" Mineta asks me.

I scoff. "Of course." I say as Izu moves back. "The bastard killed my Mom, abused me when I was a Kid, gave me issues, he threatened you guys 12 years ago though, and I couldn't let it slide, you guys are my friends, even you Mineta. Though your still not aloud in the girls dorm area." I say to him.

"Ray is so strong." Kiri says as he grins.

I shrug and I head towards the elevator. "I'm not as strong as you think I am." I say and I push an elevator button to go up. "I am human." I add.

"Kacchan is in your room." Izu warns me.

I nod and I get into the Elevator and I use it to get to my floor.

Once the door opens, I get out carefully and I head down to my room and I walk in, to see Katsuki, looking annoyed as he stares at the wall.

"Katsu?" I ask carefully.

Katsuki gets off the ground and he turns to look at me. "You reckless idiot!" Katsuki growls and I stare at him. "You should have let the pros handle him! But you didn't!" Katsuki goes on and on.

I frown. "Katsu, if I had done that, I would have died in there, Randy had a friend who had a teleportation quirk, and the pros couldn't have gotten there in time." I say to him as he pauses to breath.

Katsuki scowls. "You could have escaped out the door." Katsuki says to me.

I look at the ground, unable to hold eye contact, he looks so furious.

Eve meows at my feet and I figure out a way to pick her up without falling.

Eve purrs in my ear as she lays on my shoulder.

"You should have at least stopped those bullets. You wouldn't have had to use crutches if you did." Katsuki says to me.

"Look Katsuki, I was doing my freaking best not to die in there from a gun shot to the head or the heart or anywhere else vitally important that could kill me in an instant! I couldn't react fast enough to stop this one! I get you were worried about me, but it feels like I did everything terribly wrong. Yeah maybe I could have tried to prevent it, but I also didn't want the pros to die either! I didn't want anyone to die! I couldn't handle that on my conscious. And your making it seem like I could have done better, even though I had to pep talk myself into thinking I could even try to take Randy on. I was freaking out." I say to Katsuki and I sigh as I see him still angry.

Katsuki says something and we get into a heated arguement and I leave with a bit of trouble.

I don't remember half of the fight, all I know is that it hurt.

I head downstairs and I sit outside in the backyard on a bench with Eve on my shoulder, trying to cheer me up, even though I'm about to cry.

I can't even stop the tears as they roll down my cheeks.

Eve nuzzles my chin and licks my tears.

I look up at the sky, its a bright blue.

I get up with some trouble, but I head to the train station.

I have to go somewhere and Eve stays on my shoulder.

The press try to talk to me, but I ignore them, not in the mood.

Deku's Adoptive Sister (My Hero Academia Fan-Fic) Where stories live. Discover now