Chapter 14: Befana

Start from the beginning


Then he placed his hand on it!

WizarDriver: CONNECT! PLEASE...

Then a yellow magic circle appeared and Wizard took out his bike!

Wizard then hopped on and rode on his bike!

Wizard caught up with Befana and saw that Marinette avoided her bullets and made Mylené into coal!

Adrien snuck away and transformed!

Adrien: "Plagg! Claws Out!"

Adrien then transforms into Chat Noir!

Chat Noir confronts Befana!

Chat Noir: "Good to see someone else wearing black!"

Befana: "I'll help you wear white after I turn you into one of my angels!"

Chat Noir: "Sorry, but the black brings out the green in my eyes!"

Marinette kept avoiding all of Befana's shots and Alya threw plates at Befana

Befana: "Naughty!"

Alya gets shot and turned into coal!

Rose jumps in and defends Marinette who is running...

Rose: "No! Don't Marinette is the sweetest person in school"

Befana was upset that Rose would interfere but thought that it was sweet that she would defend her friends!

Befana than spun her gun to a white slot and made Rose into a Fairy!

Then the rest of the kids were fighting off the fairies!

Befana was ready to shoot them and make them into coal!

Then an announcement was heard!

WizarDriver: DEFEND! PLEASE...

A giant wall of flames appears and disintegrates Befana's shots!

Then Wizard jumped in and made his entrance!

Wizard: "You kids should run from the wicked witch!"

Befana: "Naughty! You have no respect for your elders!"

Wizard: "But Elders don't usually shoot their kids and turned them into either Coal and angels, do they?"

Befana: "No backtalk!"

Wizard: "I guess I was right about the wicked witch part!"

Befana: "An Impolite one at that!"

Befana shot Wizard, but Wizard kept dodging her shots!

Wizard then turned the hand on his belt to his right!


Wizard then placed his hand on it!

WizarDriver: CONNECT! PLEASE...

Wizard summoned a magic circle and took out his gun!

Wizard shot silver bullets that collided with Befana's bullets!

Befana took cover behind her bike and shot from it!

Wizard kept jumping and dodging, he kept shooting and the bullets hit her bullets and kept ricocheting to hit her!

Befana stagger from her bike!

Befana popped out and took aim at Wizard!

Wizard turned the belt on the left side, Wizard quickly places his hand on it wearing a yellow ring!

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