"Alya!" Marinette said, wrapping her arms around her best friend as she walked through the door. Adrien held his position at the top of the stairs, completely distracted.

The three friends walked up the stairs, and Nino waved his hand in front of Adriens face. "You dude? You alright?" He said. "You look like your dad standing at the top of these stairs!"

Adrien shook his head and regained his posture. "Yeah, I'm cool. Just got distracted for a second." He said, nervously chuckling. Adrien and Nino grabbed hands and pulled eachother in for a half hug. "That bad huh?" Nino whispered in Adrien's ear.

Marinette and Alya took off for some "long awaited girl time" while Nino and Adrien chilled in his room.

Warning again. This will contain some straight up bro/ girl talk. SKIP IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SEXUAL REFERENCES.

"So..." Adrien said, taking a seat on his couch. "Bro. What has gotten into you?" Nino said, taking a seat on the other side. "You're THE Adrien Agreste. Practically every girl in the city is chasing after you. Why can't you just make a move on Marinette?" He said, slightly frustrated.

"I know Nino, I know! But like...she's so beautiful...and funny...and talented...I don't know. I just-"

"Cut the crap, bro. You're into her. She's clearly into you. Fill me in."

Adrien sighed and looked down. He messed with his fingers, intertwining them, cracking them, and twiddling his thumbs. "Uh...one night...she had a, uh, nightmare. And she was just hysterical...that was the first time we kissed..."

Adrien continued to explain how they fell asleep together. He explained every single thing to Nino, pouring his heart out all the while. "Right before you guys walked in, I gave her my sweatshirt like you suggested. She gave me a hug and like put her head on my shoulder. I hugged her back, but then she started kissing my neck-"

Nino started chucking. "THATS why you were so shook up when we walked in. Yeah, that will give you problems down there." He said.

Adrien, in fact, did not have that problem. However, he had experienced it in the past with Marinette.

"Yeah." Adrien said, lips pursed. "I swear I was about to pick her up and throw her on the bed. But my mom always said to respect a girl's choice to say no. So I could never do anything like that." Nino smiled. "That's really nice bro. I learned it from criminal minds. But, if she's giving you signals, like kissing you twice in one day, it's ok for you to make a move back. Go in for a kiss, she'll probably like it. If she doesn't...apologize and let her slap you."

Adrien smiled. "Yeah I guess you're right." He said. "Oh, bro I had the sickest dream about her a couple nights ago-"

Meanwhile in Marinette's guest room.

"I can't believe you did all that girl!" Alya half screamed- hands over her face. "I know!" Marinette said, just as excited. "When I kissed him on the neck, I could feel his breath hitch! Ugh, after all these years I think he finally likes me!"

"I'm so happy for you girl! We can finally go on double dates!" Alya said, only slightly teasingly. "What what about Chat Noir?"

Marinette's heart stopped. 'Chat Noir...what about Chat Noir?' The words rang in her head as the room began to spin. She had forgotten completely about Chat Noir, the other and newer love of her life. After he rejected her advances she pretty much blocked him out entirely.

She hadn't even tried to contact him as Ladybug, let alone Marinette. She needed to check her Yo-yo as soon as she had a chance.

"Yeah...Chat Noir is great but- wait, how did you know I-"

Alyas sneer cut her off. "Girl, I'm a journalist. Not to mention your best friend. It's my job to be perceptive. So spill. Chat Noir."

Marinette took a deep breath before talking. "I think he's fallen for someone else...but honestly...that's ok...because now Adrien is showing interest in me, or at least not rejecting me."

"Awww Marinette. I'm glad you have Adrien. You too are a way cuter couple anyway. I could never picture you with someone like Chat Noir."

Marinette glanced around the room. Truth is, she liked Chat, but she loves Adrien.

"Yeah...Adrien. Honestly Alya, all we've had are petty kisses. I really thought he'd take the hint by now and...ya know...like pin me against the wall and make out with me until neither of us can breathe. How can I be sure he even likes me?"

Alya blinked. "Oddly specific, but I'll allow it." She said, chuckling. "You can't be sure...but just keep going. Can't hurt to try, right?" She said.

"Right... I guess..." Marinette said, beginning to question her existence. "I just kinda wish we could have something more. Like, not a sexual relationship, but like-"

The door slammed open. Adrien stood in the doorframe. A determined look in his face. "Marinette. I have something to tell you."

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