♡Muriel - Tired?♡

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It had been a long day.

First, you had been woken up way earlier than usual by Asra who was stepping out for some errands he needed to run. After failing to fall back asleep, you rolled out of bed and dressed before going get some tea, only to find that you were completely out.


To the market then, you thought. You thought wrong. 

Just as you opened the door to leave, one particular plague doctor waltzed right into your shop, inviting himself in, even though the lamp was off outside and the sign clearly read "CLOSED".

"Julian," you said, your voice still thick from sleep. "I say this in the nicest possible way, but what the fuck are you doing here so early".

"Dearest MC, you wound me," he said while placing one hand on the counter behind him for support, the other on his heart. "I am here because I require a reading from you".

You sighed. All you wanted was some damn tea. "Julian, we're not even open. I've only just woken up. Come back later,"

Looking down at you feigning hurt, Julian gasped. 

"Is that really how you treat your dearest of friends, MC?"

"Fine. One. Reading. And then you're gone. Got it?" You said as the two of you walked to the back of the shop.

Julian just gave you that stupid signature smirk of his, knowing that he had won.

"Of course,"

You plopped yourself down on the plush pillows rather unceremoniously and Julian managed to tuck his legs in under the table.

Reaching into your pocket, you felt the Tarot deck in your hand. Somehow, you and Asra just shared the cards. They were always with whichever one of you needed them.

You shuffled and spread the cards out on the table.

"What is it you're looking for, exactly?" You asked.

"I want to know what the cards say about me,"

You looked down at the table and then back up to Julian in a deadpan.

"The cards say you're an ass for coming in here so early," You said bluntly.

"Haha, you're so very funny MC," Julian mocked.

"Seriously Jules, what do you want to know about yourself? Are we looking to clarify the past, look for guidance in the present, or to look out for the future?"

"Present, I guess," Julian said, uncertain. "But also sorta future? I dunno, it's complicated..."

You looked up at him. His cheeks were red. 

"Common, Julian, spit it out. We're friends, you can tell me anything, you know that" you encouraged him.

He sighed and looked down at his hands which were uncharacteristically fidgeting in his lap.

"OkIreallylikesomeonebutIdon'tknowiftheyfeelthesamewayandIwanttoknowifI'mgoodenoughforthemandI -"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. I got like, two words of that," You said, placing your hands up to stop him. "Breathe Julian, and tell me what's wrong,"

He took a deep breath and swallowed hard. His face was flushed and he wouldn't meet your gaze.

"I have feelings for someone. But I don't think I'm good for them. I want to know if I'm good enough as a person to have a chance with them," he said.

"Oh is that what this is about? Alright then. If that's the case, we'll do a past, present and future reading. Just pick three cards ok?"

Julian nodded and selected three cards in order.

The Arcana One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon