♡MC x Julian - Dance With Me, Red!♡

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Hey there! This one-shot starts before the beginning of the game. This starts 10 years before the game does, and we're gonna say that both MC and Julian are 20 at the beginning. Also, when I put in a spot for a nickname, it should be one for a defining attribute about your MC, like hair or eye colour or smth (like "blondie" or "freckles", etc).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story, I've had this idea in my head for quite a while! :)


MC was never much of a homebody. Ever since they were young, they knew life on the road. That didn't change as they got older, either.

When they turned 17, MC set out to explore the world on their own. Magic was something that ran in the family, and with their skill, they could make enough money to get by on the road as they always had, let alone any money from learning to perform for others through song and dance.

Currently, they were on a small island working at a tavern, waiting for passage to Vesuvia. At 20, MC was interested in moving on to bigger and better places, and one way to get into the mainland was through the city-state of Vesuvia. And it was all the more convenient that MC had an aunt who ran a small magic shop in the Center City.

Even though they had only been on this particular island for a couple of weeks, MC and the owner of the tavern had grown close due to working together. The owner knew of MC's dreams and ambitions to travel the world and wanted to help them get there. She would try her best to talk to the customers and find MC safe passage to their next destination.

One fine summer evening, a crew of pirates came barreling into the tavern and sat themselves at around a bunch of tables pushed together.

MC made their way to the table to take drink orders for the large group.

As they made their way around the table, one particular crew member caught their eye.

He was a tall and lanky lad, fairly scrawny and gangly, but nonetheless handsome and rather cute.

His hair was a mess of long, unruly curls which were a vibrant shade of red. His white shirt was oversized and amongst the scruffy, scarred-up men, he looked completely out of place.

"And what can I get for you?" MC asked as they touched his shoulder lightly, a flirty smirk on their face.

"I-uh," the ginger began to sputter. "I-I'll just have a pint, please," he said, his face tinged pink.

"Sure thing," MC replied with a wink.

It was a little while before MC came back, balancing a few trays loaded with drinks for the group.

However, there was little time to chat as MC rushed about, waiting on other tables, and topping up drinks all around.

The tavern was lively, filled with good music and quite a bit of laughter and good cheer, despite being located in the sketchier part of the small town. Everyone was in high spirits as the evening went on.

"MC!" One of the instrumentalists called out across the room. "Wanna dance?"

MC grinned and set aside their drink trays as an upbeat tune carried through the hall.

Another musician helped MC step up onto a long empty table as they began to dance and sing to the music, a bright smile on their face.

The entire tavern was captivated by MC's lively performance. They clapped and cheered them on, even gathering around the table as they danced around.

Out of all of the faces, MC spotted the cute red-head from the pirate crew and reached a hand out towards him. 

"Dance with me, Red!"

The Arcana One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora