Main 6 Weddings

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This is how the main 6 propose and what the wedding is like.

Asra: The proposal was unexpected on both ends. It was one of those beautiful candid moments. The shop was filled with the light scent of lavender incense, and MC was humming along as they cooked a lovely breakfast for the three of them, including Faust. It was when Asra walked down from his morning bath to find MC cooking away, with Faust wrapped around their neck while Asra was otherwise occupied. Looking at his familiar and love of his life in this most serene scene, Asra couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for his partner. He came up behind them and nuzzled his nose in their neck, his soft fluffy hair tickling their skin. MC giggled at the tickling sensation. "Good morning, my love," they said with a smile. "Your cooking smells delicious, darling," Asra commented, withdrawing his arms to let them cook freely. MC hummed in response. "Thank you, I made it with you in mind, of course." Asra took his seat at the table, smiling to himself as he noticed how MC had set a third spot with a tiny plate made just for Faust. He loved how considerate they were, how kind and soft and gentle they could be. How thoughtful and cheerful and sweet. MC set the food down on the table and took their seat across from the white-haired magician. Asra's purple eyes swirled with nothing but love and adoration for his partner. It was through these mundane, everyday actions that he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them. Without even thinking, the words came right out of his mouth. "Marry me." MC coughed, looking up into his eyes. After a moment to compose themselves, they simply smiled. "Sure, Asra." "I'm serious," He said. "I want to marry you." "I know," said MC. "So do I." *** The wedding was in spring, with fresh life blooming all around. It was small, consisting of only their closest friends and their family (whether that be family by blood or found family, I leave up to you). The ceremony was sweet and to the point, with a much more lively celebration for their guests after. Partway through the party, however, the pair snuck off to enjoy a peaceful moment under the clear, starry night sky. The honeymoon was a trip to Zadith, the homeland of Asra's parents, and then a nice week in Nopal spent in Asra's cottage.

Julian: They go adventuring, spending the day out on the town, getting a little lost but having fun, running into a bit of trouble, and laughing as they escape. Sticking their noses where they might not belong and doing some great sightseeing. They try a bunch of different foods and have a lot of fun. They go drinking in a tavern and when they leave a little tipsy, they find themselves on white sandy beaches late at night with no one else around. The sky is clear, giving way to the inky black expanse and the thousands of stars overhead. Julian and MC end up lying down on the sand, looking up at the stars, giggling as they chat. At one point, the discussion becomes more heartfelt as Julian mentions that he's so glad to have met MC and that they've changed him for the better. MC agrees and returns the sentiment. Julian tilts his head to look MC in the eyes. He says something along the lines of "I want to keep doing this - travelling the world and having fun with you for as long as I live." MC laughs a little and says jokingly "Is that a proposal Ilya?" Julian blushes before leaping to his feet with a determined look. MC sits up. "Yes, yes it is, MC," He says getting on one knee. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" MC is shocked but throws themselves into Ilya's arms, knocking them both over onto the sand again, MC on top. "Of course, I'll marry you, Ilya!" *** All of their friends and family are invited, of course. Portia, Mazelinka, Asra, Nadia, any family of MC. The wedding happens a little differently than most traditional weddings. They start with a party and good food, lots of music, dancing and such, and because of that, the majority of Vesuvia joins the party in the streets, decorating and celebrating before everyone moves down to the docks for the happy couple to tie the knot. When they're wed, they get on board a ship, waving goodbye as they set off for their honeymoon, visiting all sorts of places including Nevivon, the Strait of Seals, and even out to the Pearl Isles in Prakra.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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