♢MC x Valdemar - See You Again♢

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Once, long ago, in a land no one seems to recall, there was a pair of very best friends. MC and Valdemar; the two were inseparable. They did everything together, truly kindred souls.

However, over time, a plague manifested itself in their town, spreading like wildfire from person to person, not stopping until the sick were dead and the living were fleeing.

MC was not so lucky to have the choice to flee. The plague struck hard and fast. It began with a woozy feeling. Just being drowsy, a little dizzy, and maybe an upset stomach. Then it progressed to fatigue and vomiting. Then a high fever that refused to break. Then a terrible weight on the chest, leaving one gasping for their next breath.

When MC first reported a general sensation of tiredness, Valdemar's heart sank. When MC's stomach could no longer hold its contents, Valdemar devoted himself to researching of the plague. When medicine after medicine and herb after herb did nothing to calm the stomach or break the fever, they pushed further. 

Not having caught the disease themself, Valdemar set out to the next major city to seek the aid of a great and powerful magician. However, in their haste, they neglected to inform sickly MC of their travels, wanting to be as fast as possible.

The magician supplied Valdemar with magic that could stall the life of a person, effectively pausing their life until a cure could be found.

With newfound vigour, Valdemar raced back home, only to have his soul crushed and heart shattered.

Where MC once rested peacefully on their bed at night, they now lay sprawled out, a cry of agony etched into their cold, grey face.

Their last moments weren't only physically painful, but emotionally devastating as well, for they had believed their best friend and closest confidant to have fled the town in fear of their illness. 

MC died a horribly painful and lonely death, believing that they had been abandoned by the only friend they held dear.

Valdemar, stunned and heartbroken, sank to their knees, their hands on MC's stone-cold face, tears dripping down, splattering on MC's clothes.

From then on, they vowed to do whatever it took to find a cure for the plague, even if it meant selling their soul to the devil...

Eventually, this obsession of theirs lead to becoming a plague doctor and burying themself in death and the macabre reality of disease.

Over time, Valdemar's soul withered and decayed, causing their memory of their friend to fade into the same ash as all of the bodies they had burned in their practice.

Meanwhile, MC's soul found itself floating about the cosmos, searching for what it was missing. After what seemed like eons, it came across a particular force that offered it what it sought, in exchange for all that MC had left - their soul.

Trapped and bound by the Devil's confines, MC's soul withered away, greedy and searching for what it had lost. But MC never forgot where they came from, how abandoned they felt. 

In the present day, 4 courtiers of the palace shared a secret. Volta, Vlastomil, Vulgora and Valdemar had each sold their soul for what they sought: food, disease, destruction and death.

A lower demon, who he could never seem to truly contain was greedy for friendship. This demon was none other than MC who sought the friend who, in their mind, had abandoned them in their time of need.

MC's search finally lead them to Vesuvia. And what better way to find someone than to obtain a high position to meet all sorts of people.

Nadia, in need of someone to maintain public relations, took MC on as a courtier.

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