♡MC x Lucio - You're What?!♡

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Alrighty, we are back! Another request by SammyToon, thank you so much! 

For this little story, I'm going to assume Nadia and Lucio are clearly no longer romantically involved or legally married or anything. Let's not focus too much on the logistics, it's not really relevant anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 


MC was looking over the balcony out into the garden, sipping on a nice glass of wine, enjoying the relaxing moment. The sun was high, the breeze was gentle and things could not be calmer...

"MCCCC...." Lucio's voice called. "I'm bored."

MC shook their head and rolled their eyes a little before placing the glass down on the table next to them.

"And what would you like to do then, Lucio?"

"I dunno, something."

MC let out a slightly exasperated laugh. They thought for a moment.

"Alright, why don't we go out to town for a bite to eat? After, we can see what's up at the theatre. I heard A Midsummer Night's Dream is being performed," they suggested. "I have to swing by the shop to drop off some plants for Asra, so we'll be out that way already."

Satisfied with their plans, Lucio nodded and held his arm out for MC to take, as if the whole excursion were his idea alone.

Once they reached the market, a myriad of aromas wafted through the air, making both parties' stomachs rumble in hunger.

"What do you suggest, MC? It all smells so good..." Lucio was practically drooling over the smells of the lunch hour rush. 

MC didn't think twice before taking his hand in theirs and leading the Count down the street to a specific vendor's stall where the smell of freshly baked bread was prominent.

"MC! So good to see you," The baker said. "Two rolls of pumpkin bread then?" He asked upon noticing that MC's hand was intertwined with Lucio's. 

MC nodded and within seconds, the baker placed two fresh rolls of bread on the counter, each wrapped in parchment.

Before MC could even take out their wallet, Lucio had placed 3 silver coins on the table. 

The baker's eyes widened at the amount and Lucio grinned. "Keep the change, this smells delicious,"

And with that, the pair walked away.

After the delectable rolls, MC and Lucio also found a vendor selling kebabs of meats and fruits, and a stall that sold fresh lemonade, perfect for the warm Vesuvian summer.

All the while, MC couldn't help but notice that Lucio was in such a good mood. He wasn't acting selfish or snobby. He was being rather kind and polite, something MC knew was a rarity for the Count.

While they were lost in thought, MC hadn't noticed that Lucio had wandered off only to return with a handful of colourful scarves in hand.

"I wasn't sure which one you would like the best, and you look wonderful in everything, just like me, so I bought one of each!" He said rather proud of himself. 

MC. speechless just giggled at the count, dressed in his usual extravagant attire, holding dozens of bright and patterned scarves in his metal hand.

The afternoon continued on like that, with Lucio attempting to buy MC everything under the sun and MC gently thanking him but ultimately refusing when he tried to buy whole stores or businesses. 

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